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Is it time to upgrade?

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I have the spyder 5 express.  I am happy with the color, but the prints are dark.  I don't mean brightness, I mean the black point. On my monitor, the darks show texture but the prints just about wipe it out.  Will a better version of Spyder allow me to adjust the black point, 'cause if I need a new calibrator, I would prefer to get it this tax year.

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I bought the elite and recalibrated but I am still fighting the blacks in the images, at least the ones that are shot with a lot of contrast.  I would appreciate any suggestions you might can give.  I took a crappy cell phone shot of the print so that you can see the difference that I am facing.https://www.rightmovephoto.com/p993328276/ec3434915


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You said my room was too dark.  I am trying to compare my lighting with yours.  Since I can't see your room to gauge the amount of light in your room versus  mine, I was hoping to use camera settings to see how much darker my room is.  Your shutter speed should be a lot faster than mine if your room is a lot brighter...right?


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