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  On 7/13/2020 at 11:48 PM, Damien Symonds said:

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Display Technology

This step is really important, so read the info and make your decision wisely.  I would say that the majority of screens out there in the world are “Standard LED”, but yours might be different.


If you need help in deciding what technology your screen has, please comment below and I'll try to help out.

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Hi Damien - Not sure if this might be where we are getting stuck? I selected Standard LED? https://support.hp.com/gb-en/document/c07019059
and https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c07931259

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Whooooohooo! Thank goodness something is working after all the it dramas 😅

I calibrated them both - it seems like the smaller one is a little bit better? not a lot. But they both seem much brighter/yellower and (what I want) than the actual print🥴 (Sorry for the phone pic - don't know if that helps me)

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-20 at 11.44.37 AM.jpeg

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Sorry that was just a quick click on picture - clearly not smart. Usually in lightroom - moving awy from that now to Bridge/photoshop? Or is there a different way? 

Here's a photo in Photoshop view? 

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-20 at 11.52.12 AM.jpeg

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No, Lightroom would have been ok too.  I just needed to make sure that you weren't viewing in a non-colour-managed program like Windows Viewer or something like that.

  On 4/20/2022 at 1:45 AM, Larese said:

I calibrated them both - it seems like the smaller one is a little bit better?


Great.  Then that is the one you edit on.  Use the other one for emails and web browsing and such.

This is very normal.  It's almost completely impossible to make multiple screens match each other exactly, even if they're exactly the same make and model and age.

So talk to me more about the smaller screen.  Is it a good match, or is it still too bright?

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In this photo it's on the small screen. It's also how the room looks pretty much when I edit maybe a bit darker as it usually happens at night. So very yellow? Blinds drawn, light on behind me in the ceiling (I can't do much for the lighting - rental house😕 unless I get a big lamp?). I prefer how it looks on the screen - but have literally no idea how to get there in the print. The iphone pic also doesn't help my case as it looks a little bit better in real life - not so yellow. 

The brightness on the small screen is 79 ish. I can lower it even more? 

Thank you for all your input and help!!!

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-20 at 12.08.27 PM (1).jpeg

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Sorry! It's yellow probably not bad. but not great. But it is what it is. 

My print photo however is dull/not as bright as my screen. (example guy is wearing a white shirt on the screen/real life. But on the print it looks a shade of tan/cream.)

Edited by Larese
use wrong word
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Blinds open, day time. Looks better. still doesn't match the print/screen though. So print is now "colder but still a bit dull" but not the warm/bright/vibrant I am after on the screen?  

(sorry I know I am sounding crazy with the yellow/warm/tones - confusing myself at the moment etc.) 

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  On 4/20/2022 at 3:04 AM, Larese said:

Blinds open, day time



  On 4/20/2022 at 3:04 AM, Larese said:

print is now "colder but still a bit dull"


I hope you understand the seriousness of this issue?  If your nighttime editing light is so vastly different from your daytime editing light, it's a damn serious problem.

  On 4/20/2022 at 2:28 AM, Larese said:

(I can't do much for the lighting - rental house😕 unless I get a big lamp?).


Are you sure you can't change the bulb in the ceiling light?

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Completely understand it. Would really like it to be as close to perfect as possible for the clients as for myself.

Bulb no don't...it's a weird fixture (we tried to change it yesterday) and I am sure the rental agency won't change a 'working light'. Only other option is moving into another room/storage space-ish with no windows but it definitely has a better/whiter light that will be constant (probably answered my own question there...)   

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