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OS 10.8.5


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Hi Brian Hermans thanks for the Fb post and redirecting me here. I thought I was tech savvy but I am falling really behind, I don't think I really know how to use my mac properly?! Can you please help me? I have an imac running OS X 10.8.5, What update should I be using now? How can i find out what I am running eg OS X Mavericks or OS X Yosemite ect? I can see an application that says to install Install OS X Mavericks which looks like I download in 2014 but never installed.....I am running CS6, LR5 and I have an Adobe CC subscription for PS CC but I don't want to run into any problems. Also I am unable to run LR, Photoshop and have multiple  internet pages open without my mac slowing down to crazy annoying slow pace.

On a side note. Also I tried to update my iphone to ios 10 but itunes says I need to download iTunes 12.5.1 but OS 10.8.5 wont support it!!!


Thanks heaps!

Edited by Ange
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On 9/25/2016 at 1:18 AM, Ange said:

I have an imac running OS X 10.8.5, What update should I be using now?

  • 10.6.xx = Mac OS X Snow Leopard
  • 10.7.xx = Mac OS X Lion
  • 10.8.xx = Mac OS X Mountain Lion
  • 10.9.xx = Mac OS X Mavericks
  • 10.10.xx = Mac OS X Yosemite
  • 10.11.xx = Mac OS X El Capitan
  • 10.12.xx = macOS Sierra

So you are running Mountain Lion currently. How do you find out? Head to the Apple Menu in the upper left corner and select, "About this Mac." 

Holy Sh*tballz, you can install Mavericks. You are the first person in a long time that has this ability. OSX Mavericks was the last Mac OS that had the LEAST amount of problems with PS!!! If you can upgrade to Mavericks...DO IT!!!

iTunes 12.5.xx will work fine on OS X Mavericks. PS CS6 and PS CC will work fine on Mavericks. See a theme here? Now, I'm not saying that Mavericks worked for 100% of the people out there, but for the majority that I've come across, including myself who is still on Mavericks...seem to have better results than those on Yosemite or El Capitan.

As far as speed, I highly recommend CleanMyMac from MacPaw.com. You can download it and do a free scan to see how much space will be freed up, but in order for it to delete things, you have to pony up the cash. You should be able to find a coupon code if you look for it online. I use this program at least once a week and it's the best $40 that I've spend in software for my routine maintenance.

Why is free space important? Because the fuller your HD is, the slower a Mac runs. Performance take a hit around the 75% full mark, and progressively gets worse the more crap you put on it. Once you hit around 95% full, you are in very dangerous territory, as in your Mac HD could corrupt itself, especially if you hit 99% full. So it sounds like it's time to "Cull-Cull-Cull!!!" and delete files / images that you don't need or will never see the light of day. Pay attention to your downloads folder. You'd be surprised on how much crap is in there. Keep in mind, you do not need 75 photos of your lunch from 4 years ago, or to keep a whole photo-session where only 40 images made the cut. Be ruthless. You want at least 1/3rd free space on your internal Mac HD. So on a 1TB drive, you want no more than 700GB of space taken up, preferrablly no more than 650GB. If you have a Mac Laptop with a small HD (250GB, 120GB, etc.) You will need to be even MORE RUTHLESS when culling / deleting stuff.

>> In addition, the fastest way to increase performance on a Mac is to clear off the desktop. You don't need fancy programs or "RAM Optimizer" Software, just clean off your Macintosh Desktop. <<

The reason is, files on the Mac Desktop are treated as OPEN WINDOWS, as least as far as the OS is concerned. Have 400 photos of the Smith Family Photo Session at the park in a folder on your Mac Desktop? That's 400 "Open Windows." Even if you put stuff inside folders, it doesn't matter. Have 3000 images of the Miller-Jones Wedding? That's 3000 open windows, plus all the other crap. Got it? The only thing that should be on your desktop is the Macintosh HD icons, and Alias files, which is Mac-Speak for a short cut.

MacPaw wrote up a decent set of instructions on what to do before upgrading to the latest OS. For you, follow these instructions, and when you get to the bottom part, install Mavericks instead of macOS Sierra.


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Hi Brian, thank you so much for taking the time out to reply. I do apologies as I did read your information but I think have been so overwhelmed with this problem that I just couldn't process this! I am still at the beginning and finding that I am forced to do an update to a new OS system as I am unable to update any of our phones or ipads. I am still concerned with doing the update incase I run into issues with Photoshop and Lightroom as this is my only computer and which I require for my main source of income. 

1) Launchpad shows an app that says " Install Mavericks" any reason why not to go straight to Sierra? or will it not allow me as I am so far behind in updates? What happens if I am wrong and it is in fact not available to install- what do I do next?

2)My iphone and ipads desperately need updating and unable to do so without Itunes being updated which is unable to be updated on my current OS, even when I purchase a new iphone I wont be able to restore it from my old back up as it will require the updated Itunes version.

3) I have read the link you supplied, cleaned My Mac, finally got my head around the Time capsule and now have a full back up. Should I delete previous back ups? What happens when the portable HD becomes too full?

4) Anything else I should know before I attempt this new update? Roughly how long would it take? I read you advise in another thread to do it after completing a job not in-between one incase problems occur.

Many Thanks




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14 hours ago, Ange said:

Launchpad shows an app that says " Install Mavericks" any reason why not to go straight to Sierra?

Re-read my answer above. Specifically...

"OSX Mavericks was the last Mac OS that had the LEAST amount of problems with PS!!! If you can upgrade to Mavericks...DO IT!!!"

Why not just go straight to Sierra? Because of weird quirky problems with PS. Since you make money from this computer (Remember, you can always upgrade to Sierra, but Mavericks...your situation is unique.) I'm really concerned. Hopefully Apple hasn't pulled the plug. If you can't update to Mavericks and are forced to upgrade to Sierra...guess what? You are going to Sierra. The only way to know is to try and see what happens. You should be able to click "Cancel" to stop the install procedure.

I'm hoping you can go to Mavericks, but it's been a LONG time and with Apple, either you play by their rules or you don't play. Oh, Windows Peeps, Microsoft is doing this as well these days, so don't be so smug. Hell, they forced a Windows 10 upgrade on many computers in 2016 which resulted in businesses losing revenue. In fact, a Travel Agency sued Microsoft for screwing up their computers and WON. But I'm digressing here...

I am personally running Mavericks 10.9.5 and iTunes, which I believe is the latest version of iTunes. My iPhone is running iOS 10.2. So I would upgrade to Mavericks, then update iTunes. Then update your iPhones / iPads to the latest iOS.

14 hours ago, Ange said:

even when I purchase a new iphone I wont be able to restore it from my old back up as it will require the updated Itunes version.

Yep. You are kinda stuck. You are either going to have to upgrade, or since this machine generates income, purchase a new computer and transfer your iTunes library over to the new one.

14 hours ago, Ange said:

What happens when the portable HD becomes too full?

With a Time Machine Backup, once the TM EHD starts getting full, the Time Machine Software DELETES the oldest backup(s) to make room. Time Machine is not meant to be a complete and forever archival method, it's meant to be there if you accidentally delete something, restore a corrupted file, or to restore your main hard drive in case of failure. It's very good at what it's meant for. If you think Time Machine is to keep files forever...it is not. I'd just leave the TM drive alone and don't mess with it. Let the Time Machine Software handle things.

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Thank you so much Brian- what a pickle I'm in! I just can't find the right time between jobs to attempt the update! So thanks agin for your replies and I will be sure to let you know how I go in the end.


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It might be better long-term to put money aside for a new Mac, since you can't seem to stop. :) Besides, all the extra features that come with a new OS, you really need a current computer to take advantage of them anyways. Just a thought.

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Wish me luck...!! I'm about to see if  the update to Mavericks will work. Apple have sent me a link to download El capitan incase this Mavericks wont work...!! Insert freekout!!!

Apparently Sierra pulls a lot of RAM which is what causes the PS glitches.

I'll keep you posted!



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No Luck...

Mavericks would'nt install said the file was corrupted during download the the link apple sent for El Capitan wont install on my computer...Looks like I have to stay put...!

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I have since found out that Apple have just pulled the pin on downloading El Capitan only a few days ago, hence why my link would not work- such bad timing!!

So I have no choice but to either stay put and use my Imac as it is and not be able to run Itunes or update phones/ipads ect and any other apps such a Google Chrome that require higher than 10.8.5. ALso means I need to rely on Icloud if/when I purchase a new iphone as I wont be able to restore my phone from back up as Itunes is too old!

Or take the risk and move up to Sierra which Apple say is stable and secure at the moment and that my 8gb RAM will be more than capable of handling PS...

What to do!!! Ahhhh!!





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What camera are you shooting with? How large is your typical .psd file? Do you do a lot of duplication of layers and then flattening? 

What year / make / model is your iMac? I'm wondering if we could get it to 16GB and go for broke and upgrade to Sierra. 

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Thank you Brian.

Canon 5D Miii

TIF file 300mb

PSD file 350mb

Yes I guess so. Main work is RE photography so opening several images at different exposures (from LR into PS as a layer) and then taking parts from each layer and merge into one final image then flatten. 

I believe this model can be upgraded however only one place in my town can do it.

Imac is  21.5-inch, Late 2012, (1920 x 1080)

Processor  2.9 GHz Intel Core i5, 

Memory  8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M 512 MB

Software  OS X 10.8.5 (12F2560)

Storage 1 TB

Memory 8GB ( 4gb x 2) Your Mac contains 2 memory slots, each of which accepts
a 1600 MHz DDR3 memory module. All memory slots are currently in use.


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Damn. You are screwed. Your 21.5" iMac does not have an access panel to add RAM yourself. The whole friggin' thing needs to be disassembled by Apple or an authorized Apple Repair Center. 

I'd start saving for a 27" $1799 iMac. With your file sizes in PS, and if you upgrade to Sierra, 8GB is not really going to cut it. Unless you do one photo at a time. Maybe two. Batching won't be in your vocabulary. 

I wish I had gotten to you before you bought your 21.5" iMac. They are a complete waste of money since you can't do any upgrades yourself. If you did get a $1499 iMac and had Apple upgrade it to 16GB, that cost would have been $1699. If you spent $100 more, you could have gotten a 27" iMac, that had better graphics, faster HD, faster motherboard, faster this and that AND be able to increase the RAM to 32GB that you could have done yourself.

Since you use this iMac to make money, I wouldn't mess with it. To upgrade your devices, you might want to invest in a used Mac Mini that can be your iTunes computer. Or head to the Apple Store and have them upgrade your devices. Sign up for Apple's paid iCloud so you can back up your phones. For $100 or so, it's way cheaper than a new Mac, used or new. 

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This Mac is four years old, I purchased it 3/2013 so I guess the $$ I spent over four years has been ok. I

I will sit on it for now, and wont worry about a software update unless  could take it to a repair center and see what they have to say the cost maybe?

I hadn't even heard of you or Damian prior to this purchase, I wish I had  before I bought this!!! 

I would like a Macbook Pro as I do need the portability  but I have read that Damian has a dislike of laptops for photo editing!


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MacBook Pros are even a BIGGER WASTE OF MONEY. You don't start with the cheap $1300 MacBooks, you start with the $2400 model and then tweak things for photo-editing  by the time you configure a MacBook Pro for photo-editing, you are around $3600, which is INSANE to spend on any laptop.

 Plus, you'll be tempted to edit all over the place. In the living room, the kitchen table, in bed, by the pool, etc. Plus, each time you open a laptop, the angle of view changes thereby changing the way your darks and whites look during editing. So it's very easy to not be consistent from shot to shot or batch to batch.

Yes, you might have seen a few recommendations on what to look for in a laptop for photo editing, but here is the truth: I got fed up with justifiying my POV. I would Never-Ever-Ever recommend a laptop for photo editing. 

Here is another secret: $500 or less Laptops you should expect to get 18-24 months out of. $1000-$1500 laptops, 2-3 years. Fancy ultra-expensive laptops, 3-4 years. 5 tops. Yes, there are exceptions, but today's laptops are made with eco-friendly solder, which is great for the environment since it doesn't contain lead, but bad for the environment since they are more prone to failure and cold solder joints. (End up in landfills, regardless if you "recycle" them or not. Laptops drop like files these days. It gets you in the market quicker. They are ALL pieces of junk, made in China. If you move your laptop around from place to place all day, it kills the lifespan timeframe. 

I carry my work's Lenovo laptop all over the place. I'm on my 3rd one in 2-3 years. 

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Your Mac and the current 21.5" models are sealed by a special glue. The RAM sockets are on the back of the motherboard and you have to take EVERYTHING out and hold the motherboard in your hands in order to Upgrade the RAM. Plus, only the $1499 models can be upgraded. The cheap $800 iMac, is maxed at 8GB and there are no sockets for extra RAM. The chips are soldered to the board. In reality, 21.5" iMacs from Late-2012 to present are glorified iPads. Apple wants you to "Go Big or Go Home." Jonathan Ive is so hell-bent on design that he killed functionality for the end user by not alllowing them to easily upgrade their computers. Again, it's by design, Apple wants to sell you a 27" iMac, not a 21.5". More profit for them. 

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I've been a computer tech for the last 25 years. I'm Apple Certified and worked on them in the 1990's and early 2000's. *I* wouldn't even attempt opening today's 21.5" iMacs. 

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Ultimately this is what I would do:

From this point forward, for every dollar you make, 34% goes to paying your taxes and 6% goes to a Insurance / Gear Fund. The remaining 60% is your profit and operating costs. With you stashing away 6%, it gives you a cushion in case if something really bad happens, like you drop something or your computer craps out and you need a replacement by tomorrow or the next day. Most people don't think about doing this. Heck, many photographers are off-the-books and don't pay taxes, but that's another whole rant/topic of mine. LOL!! In reality, if you are a true business, you need to have a contingency plan...back-ups. Especially if you are charging money. 

Start saving up for a $1799 iMac. 

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Great replies thank you, appreciate you taking the time out and especially your computer knowledge.

Not worth messing around with this Imac.  I could even wipe this and sell this one later down the track when I have purchased something new as I wont have the space to keep two desktops.


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For giggles, the $3700 MBP would be the one out of those two. If you have $3700 to waste, send it my way, I take donations. 

Why the $3700? Hard drive space. You'd be surprised on how quickly a 256 HD fills up. You currently have a 1TB HD with 300 available. Cut that in half with the MBP. 


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Nope I don't have those $$ and wouldn't consider spending much that on technology considering how quickly it becomes useless. However the sales people are very good at trying to sell their products! Something about buying an additional ss hard drive to work off? 

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