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Moire help


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Just revisiting this one.  I got some really good profile shots of this guy.  Even with the Moire removed it still shows up severely at different zoom levels.  I understand why this happens.  Is there a way to reduce how much moire occurs when not zoomed to 100%?  I specifically said no thin striped or checked shirts before the shoot and I have had no luck organising a re-shoot as the guy is so busy.  Hence the reason I want to use them for advertising, he is very well known in the area and would be great advertising material.

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49 minutes ago, Wally said:

Is there a way to reduce how much moire occurs when not zoomed to 100%?

The only way is by resizing carefully to exactly the right size and resolution for each form of output (print, web, whatever).

If you don't have that control, and it seems likely that you don't, then your only other solution is to blur the hell out of the shirt to get rid of the texture altogether.  Not a satisfactory method, I'm sure you'll agree.

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