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Any problems with Sonoma 14.3

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Now, at the end-of-the-day, as cliche as that phrase is...

It's your money and you are in-control on how you spend it. ;) After all, I'm just a guy on the internet who hates wasting money on this shit. Just like you are "Asking Damien" in Ask Damien, you are "Asking Brian" on what he would do. He wouldn't cheap out because all that's going to do is cost you more money in the long run. Sure, you can go the cheaper route, but I almost guarantee that you'll be in here sooner or later bitching about your cheap-ish laptop; remember, Today's Modern Photoshop  requires a computer that you NEED, rather than one you can afford. Gone are the days of the $999 Computer Special from a Big Box Store that was "Good Enough."  Photoshop is becoming a BEAST. It's also Professional-Grade Software and with anything "Professional," you are expected to keep your Computer Hardware Current, it's the cost of doing business. Regardless what Samantha Jane from CutesyName Photography tells you otherwise.

Sure, you can find deals, but Apple penalizes you for going cheap. Since there is no upgrading ANYTHING after the fact, if you find that your Mac Laptop that you cheaped-out on is now not handling the PS version released 2 years from now. So now you are forced to buy ANOTHER laptop and do this all over again. I'd much rather build a fancy and robust computer and be done with it. I usually have a 7-8 year lifespan in mind with my configurations. That's why they cost more; because it's a "Buy it Right, Buy it Once" way of thinking. Or I could blow $2000-$3000+ every 24-36 months.

I also put my Money where my Mouth is. I'm still on a 2017 iMac. I'm on PS CC 2023 and Big Sur. I need to replace this iMac, but I just bought a Toyota Truck tonight and need to get that paid off before I buy a new stupid Mac. Plus there is other shit to buy / save-up for. :D

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