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Im so upset, all the prints have still come back with banding. I really don't know what to do. I even tried different % of the noise layer, was definitely worse when less was applied, but you can still see it even on the ones with excessive yucky noise being applied to it. Is there anything else I can try?

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Okay will try and find another one, if that doesn't work though is there any hope of removing it if it's actually in the photos themselves?

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I've just placed an order with another lab. But on looking at the images on the computer again I can definitely see, what I presume to be, the banding. I can see it clearer now they've been resized for print properly compared to my last jpegs, so that means it's in the image is that correct? is there anything that can be done? I feel totally hopeless of finding a resolution to it. 

This one was printed 9x6, and I did what you said above to do (hopefully correct). I don't know if you can see it? or if because of the prints I know where to look. Its like a rainbow top right corner and under the balloons, its even more obvious in print . 


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Okay, just uploading it, hoping I did it right. I did loads of different noise amounts with the layer and applied it across the whole photo like you mentioned. The one im sending is the layer I did at 10% and came out the worst. 

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gosh shows how much I suck. Would it help to send the a4 ones to you? I can still see the banding in them on the digitals, they don't show it as much and also neither in print compared to the one I just showed you, but its definitely still there, or at least I think so

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As silly as this sounds, I wasn't sure sure on 9x6 inches in mm🥲 but I think it rounded it up/down when I googled. I wasn't sure if it needed to be in mm like the screenshot you sent me rather than inches and just wanted to do it exactly like you sent, just incase, because of all the other 'settings' on the crop bit. The only reason I also did that one in 9x6 was because the first lot of prints those ones were in 9x6, so just wanted to do them the same to see if I could see where i'm going round.

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4 minutes ago, Naomibb said:

As silly as this sounds, I wasn't sure sure on 9x6 inches in mm

I don't think you actually realise how silly it sounds.  Of COURSE you didn't need to convert to MM.  You were supposed to enter "9in" and "6in" in the crop settings.

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12 minutes ago, Naomibb said:

just sent it

Your A4 file is PERFECT.

It's exactly the right size, exactly the right amount of noise, and absolutely no banding.

13 minutes ago, Naomibb said:

I think less noticeable in the digital

That fact that you can see any banding at all in the file means there's a problem with your screen, or your eyes.

What screen are you viewing on, and how is it calibrated?

14 minutes ago, Naomibb said:

but it does still show up in print

Then you need a new lab.

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Okay, I've got more test prints coming from a different lab but im worried im going to run into the same problem. I can only see like the purple/ green patching in that one on the digital below the balloons in the shadow and the upper right, but maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me because I know its printed there. In print its definitely worse in those exact areas but I hope it is just the print company like you say. I've heard of other photographers having the same issue with it not being so visible on the digital, but showing up In the prints more? 

What about the other one though, even though I got the dimensions incorrect for print I can still see it on the digital? Could you? 


The screen is calibrated, we followed your steps online I just can't remember which spyder it is we've got

its also a Mac desktop

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4 minutes ago, Naomibb said:

I can only see like the purple/ green patching in that one on the digital below the balloons in the shadow and the upper right

I promise, it isn't there.  On either photo you sent me.  They're both *chef's kiss* perfect files.

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okay thank you! im just a little worried as we've had the same problem with another lab, banding not showing up on the digital, but then showing up in print until I've added noise. I've ordered from a completely different lab than these two labs that i've occasionally had the banding with, so really hoping they don't come back with banding, is it unlikely for them to come back with banding if you can't see it in the digital then? 

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I've ordered from nphoto this time, but the other one was dsclour labs, and before we've had it with Loxley colour, but they're all well used round here by photographers so just makes me a little worried still.

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