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Dust & Scratches to edit acne


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This is my first attempt at editing acne from a photo using the Dust & Scratches.  I am a novice Photoshop user and struggle with skin tones.  Just wondering how I did with my first attempt.  I have about 30 more photos to go in this gallery and want to be on the right path before I go on.  Thanks. 



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Just wanted to add to my above post if it helps at all....after I ran the D&S filter, I played with the Radius and Threshold until I thought it looked okay while still maintaining some texture.  The Radius was 9 and the Threshold was 14.  After I finished, the skin was still quite red, so desaturated it a bit.  It still looks a bit purple to me, but not sure what to do next.  I'm sure there are probably other things I can do in Photoshop, but I am still learning.  This is the final photo after D&S skin editing. 



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