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iMac 27 5k calibration not matching

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Hi Damien. I had to wipe out my Imac and restart it from zero due to a crash. I am calibrating and now my screen seems so much more warm than before the crash. The prints are not matching either wo or with calibration. They were pretty close to the monitor with my calibration before the crash.


Any advice? I am following your mac instructions for a spuder4pro

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kind of... the first couple of calibrations made everything extremely warm, even the example before and after calibration from spyder was a HUGE change when switched back and forth. The last calibration made the change not as drastic but the prints have a slight yellow wash on them, not orange as in warmth, but more yellow tinge.

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I guess you can call it cooler, although the prints are not orange, they are more yellow. even adding warmth to the file in PS does not match the print as it makes it more orange and the print has a yellow tinge.

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lol yea not happening after dishing out 3k... but I do have the PC screen you recommended and the color was never spot on with it either. I actually used it this week while my mac was being fixed and I have no idea how i was working on that PC screen before...5k retina is just so clear! Could you link me to which bulbs to use in the room to look at prints?

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