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Printer Issues

Mariann Asbury

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Hi there, thanks for letting me ask questions in here.

For days my printer is not responding to my print orders. I know it is connected wirelessly because when i told it to clean the printer heads, it did. But every time I try to print something, it says what the screen shot says. What is wrong in my set-up. I have turned off both printer and computer to see if it helps...but zilch....nada..nothing. Thanks for listening.


Screenshot 2016-02-24 09.11.37.png

Screenshot 2016-02-24 09.55.03.png

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I'm so sorry, the best I can do is offer basic troubleshooting, as I don't have expertise in HP printers (though I have kicked many to the curb, Office Space style!!).

I see you've rebooted the computer and the printer -- have you recycled your wireless router as well?

Have you ever printed successfully from this computer to this printer?  (That is, is this a recent problem?)

And which OS are you running on your Mac?

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Oh no! That was a bad choice. El Capitan has way more issues than Yosemite. Hopefully your problems will be minor, but I think you are going to hate life right now. 

No, you can't go back to Yosemite. 

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I would love to click on the apple, but my screen is frozen half way through installation of El Capitan and I am frantically trying to know how to stop the installation process if possible at all. Or reboot or what not, but I cannot loose any files since all my files were not backed up all the way last time I ran backblaze.....

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Believe it or not....my printer is back online...yaaaaay......you got me on a track and what it was, was that the boudoir settings had jumped off, when I re-added, printer worked, and scanner is working....yaaay..thanks for being there with me.

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I will check if there are updates available or not, but it seems like I jumped to the update directly and that might be why I do not have problems with my printer right now. 

It might be interesting to know though, with my printer, what I also found out. If my file in the Finder is a pdf, it prints directly from Finder. If my finder is a screen shot or a jpeg file, I have to open a quick look in Finder and within that window is a window saying oping in preview. So, I do and then from preview I click File - Print and then I choose the second Printer Option that also do scanning (if that makes sense). Then it prints fine, both screen shots and jpegs. But if I want to print another pfd after that, I have to choose the other print option again. I wrote up above using the word Boudoir...but I think I meant to say Bonjour....:)

Anyway, attaching the two screen shots, if you notice one area will print pdf, the other will print other stuff....just some small differences in the printer indications....anyway, glad it all worked out for sure. But thought if this could help other readers.




Screenshot 2016-02-25 20.09.11.png

Screenshot 2016-02-25 20.09.26.png

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