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Making a clean background


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Hi Damien,

I am not even sure where to start on this image for making the whole image one grey background. As you can see there is a light, wood floor, the sides around the group. I have never shot a group this large before, and I honestly am not sure where to begin with editing it, so it is a seamless grey background with just the group. Thanks so much for any tips/help. This is sooc.


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Well, I don't do a lot in RAW. My biggest focus right now is to figure out what to do with the background mess. Is there something else you need me to do beforehand? Or I can redo this in RAW. Whatever will help work best. If I up the exposure in RAW to lighten everyone, then the people on the left, especially the boy get way to bright. I don't know what to do with that. I am confused about this whole image. Like I said,, shooting a large group isn't my thing, nor something I have done. so I know it's a mess. I don't see the blue that you see though, so not sure what you mean by everyone looking blue.

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I didn't know about that list, but I am on it now. Thank you. I like the first one better too. Ok, so do you want to just work with the first image I submitted then? That one I did bump the the exposure on, and it got really noisy, and then I went over the kid on the left with a brush, I forget what it is called, the targeted one I think it is called. I was able to fine tune that one to bring the exposure back down on him. On that first image I submitted. Maybe that is why it looks better? Also i didn't do anything to the color with that one. 

Edited by wota
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Oh no, I feel really bad, and I know I need to understand more about properly editing in RAW. Your response both made me laugh, feel like a such novice ( which I am in RAW editing), and are helpful too. :) I will read over the links, and come back to this. Thanks again for your direction, and I am looking forward to an opening in your RAW class! I need it!

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I have looked into those products, but not quite in the budget right now. It is something I am looking into making a purchase this year, but not at the moment. OK, so I am not sure what else you want me to do, before we can work on the background issues. I read the articles about noise and sharpening. They were very helpful to learn from. I used the techniques, and the results are much better than the top/first image  shared. I did not do anything to the color this time, so there should not be any issues with blues anymore. I also upped the exposure on the image, so they weren't all so dark. Does this work? 

DSC_4188raw edit.jpg

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Great! That is helpful too. I always have to click convert my working space to srgb( the pop up in PS whenever I open from ACR to PS), and now I have changed that in ACR. So now this photo is in sRGB. I was told long ago, as you said in your article, that Adobe RGB is best, but I have found that to not be true, especially when printing, so I have always had to convert when I was finished editing. Now I understand this better, and the football analogy makes perfect sense. I seriously can't wait for an opening to your RAW class.

DSC_4188raw edit.jpg

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Preferably go. The dog had problems being able to sit on the paper without sliding, she needed the mat under her, and I would love to know how to change that out as well. Thank you for asking! :)

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Oh my gosh! I love it! That is exactly what I wanted for this photo. You are awesome Damien! So how do I learn how you did this now? Thank you for your help.

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Oh, I just watched that video about the banding today and using gradients. I will definitely need to watch that a few times. ;) I will look at the psd file. Thank you again very much Damien!

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ok, so I am going in and trying to use the poly tool to select around the group. However when I do the gradient I have too much not being filled in. Did you use the poly tool or paint in the gradient with a brush? I watched the video, but I am struggling a lot with my selection with my poly tool. I can't get close enough to the people, or when I try just going on the outside of them and not being too particular, like in the video I have too much being not affected by the gradient. In your edit I see your selection got everything but the group. 

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