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Everything posted by PaperCrowns

  1. When I use the mask, then exit quick mask it puts a dotted line frame around image and the entire image changes.
  2. I updated photoshop and all my brushes, presets, actions are gone. I went to legacy and nothing. What can I do? Thank you
  3. My kids need a new computer for school. https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-IPS-Type-i7-11800H-Processor-TUF506HE-DS74/dp/B096V8PRVD/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=Asus+Computer+i7&qid=1627678354&sr=8-5
  4. Sorry, no I wasn’t going to buy refurbished, just that brand and tower type that interested me, sorry for being vague. I’m going with the other you recommended in the first link. The other information is really interesting and informative. I’ll buy the cheap one for now (6T), and save up for the expensive one. I really need two anyway, one on site and one off site. Thank you for taking the time and explaining. Bullet proof sounds awesome!
  5. I found this one? WD My Book Thunderbolt Duo 8TB External Dual Hard Drive Storage with RAID includes Thunderbolt cable WDBUSK0080JSL-NESN , any good?
  6. Computer specs, I have space on computer but don't want to clog it up. This is the only pc I have (thank to you), and it's what I edit on.
  7. Back up for raw, jpeg and video. 4T would be the minimum.
  8. Brian, mine started smoking also.I’d like to spend $300 or less. I’m not doing professional anymore at this time. It’s for all personal images. I lost images on an external hard drive sometime a year ago, so I bought a large (sea gate), it was huge, so it could backup everything. It started smoking called the company who retrieved several images. Now I need something that won’t fail. I plan on keeping them with me. I’m a little more than elementary on tech.
  9. Cost effective, "safe" backup. I don't want to pay monthly for a backup. I recently "within the last year" had external hard drive failures. I had an expensive seagate, large external that failed and it was only a year old. Thank you
  10. You’re killing me smalls! I seriously have no idea where to start. Any direction would be appreciated.
  11. Taken with 50mm lens, iso, 100. I'm not sure this will work, but setting flat failed.
  12. She sent me the photo, in fact she sent several photos, all in this condition.
  13. Any hope for making this picture a little clearer?
  14. Thank you, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I bought the other one, but I was curious about the last one because it looked pretty.
  15. Brain what is your opinion on this https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B081KNR28Q/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A1XBPHGHAXLHDG&psc=1
  16. Thank you, it’s so expensive it makes me nervous. I bought my last 2 computers on Craigslist for so little. In 12 years I’ve spent under $700, but I want something I don’t have to change for 7-10 years. I’ll make a decision soon as my shopping cart between amazon and b&h is full of computer’s.
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