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Everything posted by PaperCrowns

  1. Good morning Brian, I am going to purchase my laptop in the next day or two and I need your advice please. I travel in an RV a lot so I do need a laptop. I have an ASUS g74 and it’s about 7 years old. It’s a work horse, durable and Heavy. I looked at Digital Storm today and I do like it. Any recommendations on the on you would buy and the extras? I have this in my basket now and with 0% financings I want to know what you think? https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1452255-REG/asus_g703gx_xs98k_17_3_republic_of_gamers.html Thank you
  2. I found some that may work except your going to call me on focus.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2315074555270701&set=pcb.2752888678107261&type=3&theater&ifg=1
  4. https://www.facebook.com/djeirana/?eid=ARCXTHQUmkH5VyrdWY2YZHDIGmH8_83MKeW53JtSkDEgMdkEbFr07n6Y2BtG9ou8YgObp3Q_twN4RuTU&timeline_context_item_type=intro_card_work&timeline_context_item_source=100003045377164&fref=tag
  5. Is this HDR? I can't figure out how this is done. I'd love to learn this technique. https://www.facebook.com/117286008441590/photos/pcb.1096493507187497/1096482800521901/?type=3&theater
  6. I'm not really planning to upgrade until black Friday, but I want to find what will work for me before I go buy.
  7. Hmm, I travel so that might not work. I have a ASUS 17.3 g47sx , it's a 2011 with windows 7. It's a work horse and very heavy but it meets my needs. I'll keep looking. Thank you for the feed back.
  8. Sorry, I meant to put this in the windows forum.
  9. Brian, Is this a good computer? I know you dislike laptops but this seems to have the right specs. https://www.amazon.com/Acer-Predator-i7-8750H-Keyboard-PT515-51-71VV/dp/B07NDVGYZQ/ref=gbps_tit_m-6_3b69_7c2fbc6c?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=db08f08d-45f1-490b-aa6c-1f4d543b3b69&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-6&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=14611812011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=43MY9TQ34TCK08KENDSJ
  10. Is anyone else having this problem with photoshop cc 2019, only started after last update. It has happened on different images. I uncheck all layer, and with each layer it changes. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix it?
  11. Thank you for taking the time and explaining all that, I really appreciate it.
  12. Hi Brian, would you explain the difference between led, led-lit and lcd. What is the best one for photoshop. Thank you
  13. That is very odd. I wonder if they are to corrupted. I looked at an other file and it is only 8MB. All the files say cr2, thanks for the heads-up.
  14. Thank you, I'll try that and files sent.
  15. Yes, I lost several files on my external hard drive and I used a service to get them back, but now they won't open in photoshop. All the Df files that is.
  16. I have a lot of file won't open that say this Df759.cr2, photoshop says wrong kind of file, any ideas?
  17. What is the best website for sending proofs for a client to look at? Looking for inexpensive and they are not buying just looking at proofs. Thank you
  18. Yes, I did. Only about 20% recovered, but that's better than nothing. Just wondering if the plus is better? Thank you
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