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Everything posted by PaperCrowns

  1. I am wondering if stellar is worth $79.99, and if there is a big difference in the free or professional in recuva. I can get recuva plus for $29.99. Thank you!
  2. Could you please tell my the best recovery software 2019. Thank you
  3. It's hard for me with all the feathers, but I thought you might have a tutorial that could lead me in the right direction. As you can see mine is not good.
  4. I'd like to do something like this, do you have any tutorials that I could use? Thank you
  5. Best way to remove the person? Make background all black or something like that.
  6. I re-calibrated but I can't figure out it matched my prints. It's to dark to tell.
  7. Still can't seem to figure out my calibration issue. Ive done it with no outside light, it could be my bulbs but keeps coming out orange. I've changed locations in my house several times. I'm so frustrated. I'm sure i'm missing something, probably easy, but I just cant seem to figure it out.
  8. I can't get my monitor to look like my picture, keeps coming out more orange.
  9. I can't seem to Calibrate my my computer, I have an asus g47s on window 7 with a spyder4pro. I have read the calibration page and I am missing something. I've tried with different settings.
  10. Thank you, Damien, It took six hours to install but I did it. Now to get to work on the files.
  11. Do you know any tricks to get a plugin to work with photoshop cc? I looked for tutorials but couldn't find any. I use windows 7 64bit.
  12. I can't get the download to work. I'll try another one.
  13. I need to make a short video inviting classmates to a reunion. All photographs look like this. Is there anything I can do to make them better? Thank you
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