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Molly B

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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
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  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon D700
    50mm f/1.8
    35mm f/2
    70-200 f/2.8 VRII

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  1. Just doing standard masking and feel the settings might be off (flow and smoothing). I feel like it's behaving as if the opacity is low.
  2. Thanks Damien and Brian for the feedback. Here's a recent example of a "soft" photo. This is SOOR, though I didn't do the noise adjustment (I read in a previous post you asking someone to post their photo without the noise adjustment or sharpening.) 1/320, f/5.6, ISO 800 When I looked up the info on this image, I noticed it was in AF-C rather than AF-S. Would this make that much of a difference? (Yes, this image needs to be straightened, but not worrying about that for these purposes.)
  3. Thanks for the feedback. In this case, I couldn't tell if it focused slightly more on the lace of the dress rather than her eyes. Looks like this photographer needs more practice with her lens when shooting real people.
  4. When I shoot with my Nikon 70-200 f2.8, my focus often seems soft. I also wonder if it's me not holding this heavy lens steady enough. I am looking for feedback before I attempt to calibrate. 1/1000, f2.8. ISO 800 Shot at 200mm Focused on doll's eyes. Thanks.
  5. Yep. Cloning will help. Whew! Tons of head swaps in this image. This has been a pain in the rear. So, so, so very relieved the color space issued came up in this. Thanks for help, Damien.
  6. Here's the version in the new color space. Glad I asked the original question or I might not have noticed that it was set wrong. The girl in the yellow in the upper left is who was added to the group. The lighting on her head is definitely different than the lighting for the rest of the group. I simply want to make sure she looks like she somewhat belongs. Thank you.
  7. It's been awhile since I've been to your page. I didn't realize I should click on the statements that followed the articles. Doing that now.
  8. Adobe RGB (1998). Shoot!!!! How would that have changed? I'm skimming articles on how to switch it to sRGB...
  9. Darn it! I don't know how that got changed. I'll be back.
  10. I took a photo today of a group of students. One student was missing. However, I had a photo of her from another day and added her to the left, back of the image (yellow shirt, dark hair). Is there a way to help her look like she belongs there (color and light)? I realize there is a little editing around her that needs to be done.
  11. I just messaged WHCC before posting here. They don't have a one-sided card option with rounded corners. They only have a 2-sided card with rounded corners. I can use that, but I'm paying for 2-sides. I'm hoping to find a lab where I'm paying for just one side. MANY places have one-side, but not with rounded corners.
  12. I am looking for a pro lab that print one-sided, photo greeting card with rounded edges. All the options I'm finding for rounded corners are for two-sided cards. Hoping to avoid the two-sided prices. Does anyone know of a lab that prints 5x7, one-sided cards with rounded corners? Thanks.
  13. I have a sneaky suspicion this might be a RAW class question...but in case it's not... Is there a way to improve the quality of this image? It looks decent in a black and white conversion, but hoping there is something I can do to save the color version. SOOR. Thanks.
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