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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon D850 - Eizo coloredge monitor with inbuilt calibrator

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  1. I know how you feel about that I’ve got 2 different model crappy Epson printers and heaps of spare ink cartridges for both sick of spending good money after bad. I’m going to throw them all out. thanks for the Brother feed back.
  2. I print about 30 pages a week unless I’m doing my business accounting when I’d print say 60 pages every 3 months. I don’t want to deal with the ink cartridges, laser sounds much better and I’ll go genuine to save potential trouble. I do want a scanner though, I use it often. Can you recommend a multi function mono laser printer? If not I’ll go with the first one you recommended the HP laser jet pro m404dn These two multi function lasers are available locally - what do you think?
  3. Thanks for all the information Brian, I appreciate your help. Bed time here - I’ll check them out properly tomorrow. What’s your opinion about non genuine toners? Risky ? Seeing the huge capacity and life of the cartridges don’t mind paying for genuine if you think the non genuine create more problems.
  4. We’ll I definitely don’t want to be dealing with all the messing around and then slow print speed ! The modem has several LAN ports so I’m ok there. Yes, you are very spoilt in the US with supply and cost, gets frustrating, there’s ways round it I’m told but I’d rather keep things simple. That printer looks excellent but oh the toner is pricy. $276.61 and $474.34 from Amazon, $230 & $482 from HP I use JB Infotec, he’s a friend and I buy my big items from him. He supplied the toner for my old laser printer /fax I had years ago. He looks after the business where I used to work. Other than him I’d buy on line from office works, Amazon on EBay. There’s a good business 100km - they doesn’t sell HP.
  5. Okay sounds really good, especially the never drying out part. Surprising about the wifi printing too. So I’m on a farm in South Australia - can’t get broad band internet - I have a wireless modem perched near a window placed centrally in the house so both ends of the house can get a signal. Not great speed but we can stream Netflix etc. Nowhere to put a printer where the modem is currently located but I’ll experiment today to see if it works near my desk which is located in end of our living area. I also have a range extender that used to work but it’s in a drawer somewhere that was in the too lazy/ too hard basket when I changed internet providers and got better signal strength.
  6. Hi Brian, hopefully this is the right location for this question.,, I have a cheap but reasonably new epson XP 5100 - I’ve been running non genuine ink always. it won’t accept the new cartridges (except the black one) all the same as I’ve always used. Have pulled them out and refitted many times - they’re in properly. Been reading that epson firmware updates causes this - should I just trash it? I’m not spending the money buying genuine ink - I’d rather get a new one as this has had blocked jets.
  7. You’re right, I lack the self control to deal with too little storage, it wouldn’t work for me. So now I can’t get anything suitable yet so I’ve had my laptop cleaned off totally and win 10 pro reinstalled and I’m only going to install my photography programs on it. Hopefully that will get me through the upcoming workshop and we’ll have time to find or more likely build something suitable when the components are available. The machine he was looking at was an Asus Rog gaming machine with an “IPS level” screen. So not IPS - Finding an IPS screen maybe an issue, might need to resort to a separate IPS screen as you suggest.
  8. Thanks for the great information Brian, I've spoken to my supplier and you're right, there's certainly a shortage of everything except the many outdated unsuitable cheap laptops available. The machine he came back to me today about was an Asus Gaming machine, I don't have the link yet - I asked for a 17.5" IPS screen 64G RAM I7 CPU or better and a the dedicated video GPU. I thought Id get a 500G SSD Main drive and a 2T data drive - since this is not my main editing machine but that's a pretty silly idea when i think about it- I'll def upgrade as suggested. That Laptop was $6K probably more with the extra RAM and storage needed but not available yet, arriving in Melbourne on June 20th, so it would be very lucky to make it in time for me to take to my workshop. I'm taking my old 2014 leader machine in for him to clear off and start afresh, its got 24G RAM and an I7 4700 MQ CPU @2.400GHz and the video card is an NVIDIA GeForce GTX860M :( Fingers crossed it can do the job for me until we can source a new one.
  9. I need a new laptop to edit my photos while travelling, I have a good desktop PC I have a d850 so the file size is huge. My old one is 8 years old and can’t handle the job. I’m shooting Astro so need to stack many TIFF files in Sequator and do many layered edits in PS Million dollar question - can you help me with specs I need? I want it to be fit for use for as long as possible so happy to spend a decent amount. Say $AU 3.5K … there goes my new lens! I like windows 10 pro, 64G ram, two drives - the data drive 4T - not sure what size operating drive I need or the processor or GPU. Thanks for your help Brian.
  10. Thanks Brian, I think I’ll stick with the free file sync - my internet is not the best on a good day.
  11. Hi All, I'm in the process of setting up my new windows 10 64 bit pc. Synctoy is no longer available in the microsoft downloads site. Brian what do you recommend as a replacement?
  12. I think I might run far far away from this - the local signwriter will print it - he's good though. Comment was "As big as you can do" His printer does 1200dpi
  13. Hi Damien, I’ve been asked to supply a file to be printed at 2.66m high x 1.83m wide. What resolution do I need? It’s to be the background behind a self serve library unit. I have a D800e so plenty of pixels to start with. Resizing in small increments works best doesn’t it?
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