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    PC laptop
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  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 1Ds Mark II, Canon 40D
    I have 2 external IPS monitors (https://bit.ly/3P8oEPj , Acer SA241Y)

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  1. I am reading through the CMYK article for newspaper print (https://www.damiensymonds.net/art_newsprint.html) and I can't seem to find the same options described/shown in the article. Is there a newer version I'm missing somewhere or am I missing something on my end?
  2. Ok now that we finally got the image correct, how bout those glasses?
  3. Raw processing is done on this one. That bad, huh?
  4. Ok, here's the full pic and the 700px. Can you help me with these glasses please?
  5. Am I misremembering or is there a tutorial somewhere to fix dark glasses? I can't find it with a search
  6. Ok, Damo. I'm still having issues and I don't know what the problem is. I've checked everything alllll the way through my workstream to ensure everything is in sRGB and I think I still have an issue. When I'm saving files from PS (file save as or export for web), I don't think my files are being assigned the sRGB profile. The other weird thing is when I open JPGs in PS, they're opening in camera raw. I've included a recent example.
  7. Oh I believe you. I just need to go back through and figure out what the hell happened
  8. That screen grab was from the JPG I put here. I'm gonna have to look at this whole process again tomorrow to see where something went wrong. Argh
  9. Untagged? How the heck does that happen? My PSD is sRGB as always. I used the image processor in bridge. Btw I'm an idiot, was looking in Chrome. It looks fine in Firefox and on mobile. When I open the file I shared here, I see it in sRGB
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