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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    * Canon R6
    - 15-35mm F2.8
    - 24mm F1.4 (Sigma)
    - 35mm F1.8
    - 50mm F1.8
    - 85mm F1.4 (Samyang)

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  1. Looks like it may be a pain. Considering it will just be about $120, I'll keep it and mess with it. I may even overcome the fear of opening it up and upgrade it. Maybe a nice "media display" for the patio 😄 Thanks!
  2. To be more specific, it is model MNE92LL/A.
  3. Hey Brian, I will be getting discounted iMac (cheap) from work. It is a 2017 model with an i5-7500) 3.4 GHz. I plan on (hopefuly be able) to install an SSD and max out the RAM. Would that be sufficient to run LR and Ps somewhat smoothly? LOL If not, with that being said, could I still use that iMac as a display without going the AirPlay route? Thanks!
  4. @Brian, just wanted to come back and report on this issue. I decided to install Win 10 Home and my goodness... what a difference! Now I feel good about the money I spent on that machine. Everything runs great and fast! Who would have thought Win 11 would suck that much (at least for me). Thanks for your support on this matter.
  5. Hey @Brian, there is no way to buy a legit key for Windows 10 anymore, is there?
  6. Dude... I'm on an R6 LOL... I did get the specific drivers from Nvidia... Would Windows 11 be the problem too? It is also certainly not acting the same as 10. There are some weird things happening. Can I downgrade without loosing data? Do I need to purchase 10 separately? I stupidly went straight for 11...
  7. @Brian would there be a particular reason why disabling the GPU in the performance tab made increased performance a little bit? I feel my rig is pretty damn slow considering what I have. Sometimes it cant take up to 10 seconds to just open the masks section. Am I hallucinating? Also, would adding more RAM help? And yes, GPU drivers are up to date.
  8. So... I updated these drivers yesterday and noticed now that my keyboard and mouse take some time (about 30-45sec) to "start working" on my log in screen. Is that supposed to mean anything? LOL
  9. There was something with the chipset drivers with the latest date of Oct. 2022. I downloaded it and installed anyway. We'll see what it does.
  10. Just to confirm... I did notice an improvement after updating the drivers using Nvidia's. I don't know if it made a difference, but I also updated the mobo's bios also. Everything seems to be going well for now.
  11. What in the actual fck? LoL The things you learn asking on internet forums...
  12. Figured... so I skiped it. Side note... would you please allow me to buy you some tacos? I've played with this thing for a few minutes and so far I can tell a difference. One would expect Nvidia to install those drivers on its own... why wouldn't they!?!?! Thanks again, Brian!
  13. Thank you very much! Should I care to install the GeForce Experience thingy?
  14. Man! I don't know what the heck I'm thinking... I do indeed have the 3070. Where do I exactly get or choose from those drivers? I thought that stuff was standard...
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