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I click here:


Then here:


Which brings me here:


You should see both your screens displayed as two rectangles, like mine.  If you're only seeing one rectangle with "1|2" written in it, that's VERY bad.

Scroll down a bit, and change to "Extend":


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Thanks for such clear instructions!! 

I was on that but the reason it was only showing one screen is because my laptop screen i keep closed. 

So now i opened it and yes it was showing only "1/2" so i changed it to what you said. i pressed apply and now i closed my laptop screen. is that ok?

What difference should i see now?

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Yes.  You have two screens, USE THEM.

Whichever one calibrates the most accurately (presently the laptop screen is winning that contest, but we'll see) is the one you edit on.  The other one is the one you use for Bridge, or your folder, or emails, or whatever.

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By the way, you know those two rectangles that you now have?

1 hour ago, Damien Symonds said:


Make sure you drag them around to represent your actual physical workspace.  If your laptop is "Screen 1" and it's sitting to the right of the desktop screen, make sure its rectangle is on the right as well.  If they're one above the other, make sure you have the rectangles set up this way.

I can't stress the importance of this enough.

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oh wow ok ive never done that because i wana save space on my desk and not bothers to have one thing open at a time e.g if i need something from a folder ill just open it ontop of my Photoshop screen and go ahead...!!! 

but if ive got to do that i will! 

have u got an article or maybe u can just tell me in a few words y both screens need to be open for the calibration to work?

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I don't know if they do yet.  But you've had nothing but calibration failures so far with the laptop closed, and I know for certain that the default "Duplicate" setting is catastrophically bad, so that now that we've fixed that problem, let's try the calibration again.

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ok fine no prob. Glad were getting there!!!!

Now when i open my laptop i dont see anything on the desktop besides a black screen with the taskbar items but when i press on it it only shows up on the laptop - i imagine theres another setting to change ???

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1 hour ago, Damien Symonds said:


See in this screenshot, just below the "Extend" option, there's a checkbox about "make this my main display"?  You can choose which of your screens you want to be the main one - that is, the one with the task bar on.  Try both and see which you prefer.

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Good Morning

Yes i did it late last night, it didnt work with both screens on display because it would split across the 2 screens! one screen the  main page and next screen where u need to place the calibrator on. Could be if i would have put the laptop on the left side of my desktop then it would have been split in a good way but it was too complicated to start moving everything around with all my wires...

So i redid on desktop only and its still way better than when we started but not perfect. I am not going to do the soft proofing now since i am leaving israel shortly and starting with a new lab in the uk. 

Do you expect the pink skin tones to improve after soft proofing or just the more bright vivid colours?


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It didnt allow me to. the main screen can be dragged but once i pressed start measurement it popped up onto the next screen and didnt allow me to drag. i couldnt even exit it. Thank goodness for the taskbar on the bottom of the other screen i was able to close it!

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