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Hi Damien,

I searched and couldn't find a step by step guide .....

How do I prepare images for the web? Specifically for my webpage (online portfolio) and facebook. I've been researching but I still feel as if I'm piecing it all together from various research, and am searching for a complete step by step guide! Help please!



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So I checked my website, and this is what I found

Suggested Image Sizes

For Online Presentation Only - Images should be around 1,100 pixels by 850 pixels up to 1,550 pixels by 960 pixels.

If you are mainly interested in using Zenfolio for online presentation of your photographs, you should upload digital files resized to 1,100 pixels in width by 850 pixels in height. This is the default image size for online viewing. 


SOO... the pictures below show what I THINK is the correct way for web output. Let me know if I made a mistake anywhere. This is although, without sharpening.

Screen Shot 2017-10-15 at 6.48.11 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-10-15 at 6.46.43 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-10-15 at 6.46.34 PM.png

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Oh, well done you for your research!  This is very very helpful.

Since they say this:

  On 10/15/2017 at 10:55 PM, margaretbonson said:

you should upload digital files resized to 1,100 pixels in width by 850 pixels in height. This is the default image size for online viewing.


we should definitely follow those instructions to the letter.  That means, DON'T use the Image Size feature.  Only use the Crop Tool.

Can you choose your Crop Tool, then show me a screenshot?

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Yes, here's what I see.


Yes, I plan to. I have my calibration system sitting in my office ready to take out of the package to use, just a matter of doing it. Should I take layers and masks or the sharpening class next? Also, how long do we need to work together with the Deluxe membership on editing photos in ACR?

Screen Shot 2017-10-15 at 7.21.30 PM.png

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  On 10/15/2017 at 11:23 PM, margaretbonson said:

Yes, here's what I see.

Screen Shot 2017-10-15 at 7.21.30 PM.png


Yep, that's the one, great.

Choose it, then you'll be given those three fields in the options bar.  Following the exact instructions of your site, you'll enter "850px" in the width field, and "1100px" in the height field.  Make sure you include the "px" part, this is very important.  Leave the resolution field blank.

Once you've entered those values, show me another screenshot.

  On 10/15/2017 at 11:23 PM, margaretbonson said:

Yes, I plan to. I have my calibration system sitting in my office ready to take out of the package to use, just a matter of doing it. Should I take layers and masks or the sharpening class next?


Layers & Masks.  Sharpening won't make a lick of sense if you don't have the basic knowledge that L&M gives you.

  On 10/15/2017 at 11:23 PM, margaretbonson said:

Also, how long do we need to work together with the Deluxe membership on editing photos in ACR?


Well, that varies for everyone.  For some people it's only a week before they're ready for the Levels Class.  Other people take several weeks, or even months.  It all depends on how much you flood me with photos.

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  On 10/15/2017 at 11:36 PM, margaretbonson said:

Screen Shot 2017-10-15 at 7.35.35 PM.png


Perfect.  Now move the area around, or grab the corners and drag them inwards to reduce the size of the crop if you wish.  Then press Enter when done, and you'll see the photo shrink to web size.  Easy!

Then zoom in to 100%, and sharpen for web.

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Sounds good, thanks.

If you want to me to start a different thread with this question please let me know, otherwise...

I am currently preparing client files by editing only in ACR, can you point me in the right direction on how to save these files for their client galleries I am delivering them? Keep in mind - I have not taken the layers and masks or print sharpening class. 

Can I save as from ACR? I am attaching a screen shot of settings that appear when I click save as in ACR.

Thank you!

Screen Shot 2017-10-18 at 6.29.43 AM.png

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You can do it that way, but it's less than ideal for a number of reasons.

To clarify ...

  On 10/18/2017 at 10:31 AM, margaretbonson said:

save these files for their client galleries I am delivering them?


... are you talking about low-res web proofs for your clients to browse, then order their favourites?  Or are you talking about high-res files for the clients to keep and print their own?

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I did read before, now I read again and watched the video - - seems to make more sense.

At this point I am in the process of setting up printing services, but have not yet. Therefore, my workflow for preparing high res images for my clients in an online gallery should be this:

1. Edit photos in ACR

2. Use the save as button and save JPEG files

3. Upload those JPEG files into photoshop and follow the Video: Batch Saving digital files (Photoshop)

4. Upload those files to my online gallery website (Zenfolio)

5. Encourage and educate clients on how/where to print 

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