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Hi Damien 

 I am a photographer and I have been advised to approach you and see if you can help me.

I saw on your site how you help people so nicely and I wonder if you can help me too! 

I want to ask you about my coloring in printing - not in editing.  I am looking into buying the calibrator X-Rite i1Display Pro  I to guide me and help me with my color.

One photographer who constantly helps me has advised me to buy the calibrator but I want you to advise me if it will help me at all as my problem is that my prints come out much darker than shown on the actual screen and when I darken my screen, the whole screen becomes darker - nothing actually happens to the picture!

I tried giving in my photos to the photo shop to print  like a normal customer and not like a photographer,but then my pictures came out less vibrant, less alive

Maybe you can help me/advise me what to do as this is getting me really nervous and I cannot satisfy my clients the way i want to

Waiting to hear from you as soon as possible

many many thanks




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Hi Miriam,

  On 12/25/2017 at 3:57 PM, Miriam H said:

I am looking into buying the calibrator X-Rite i1Display Pro


This is an excellent device.  A must-have for every photographer.

  On 12/25/2017 at 3:57 PM, Miriam H said:

I want you to advise me if it will help me at all as my problem is that my prints come out much darker than shown on the actual screen


Yes, that's right.  That's one of the functions a calibrator provides.

  On 12/25/2017 at 3:57 PM, Miriam H said:

I tried giving in my photos to the photo shop to print  like a normal customer and not like a photographer,but then my pictures came out less vibrant, less alive


This is likely to be a different issue.  I need you to go to this link for me, and follow it all the way to its conclusion.

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Hi Damien

first I want to thank you for replying .... I really really appreciate it  

I followed  your link and checked my my computer but it all looks OK to me - do you have any other suggestions what the problem could be?  Why do my pictures come out so very dark?  Do you think that if i sent you a picture it would help? 

please also note that I am not late in replying to you but being in a different continent, the timing is different and when i get an email from you it could be morning by you which is nighttime by me - thus my delaying in replying!

saw I was wondering if maybe there is a different problem ...... 

Thanking you in advance 

All the best 


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  On 12/26/2017 at 10:37 PM, Miriam H said:

I followed  your link and checked my my computer but it all looks OK to me - do you have any other suggestions what the problem could be?  Why do my pictures come out so very dark?  Do you think that if i sent you a picture it would help?


Yes, that was going to be my next suggestion.  Could you post a couple of your photos here in the thread?

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Yes, you're right on both counts - they are sRGB (which is great) and they are quite dark.

So yes, this is exactly what you need to do:

  On 12/25/2017 at 3:57 PM, Miriam H said:

when I darken my screen, the whole screen becomes darker - nothing actually happens to the picture


Until your calibrator arrives (have you ordered it yet?) you MUST darken your screen's brightness setting until the images in Photoshop match the darkness of the prints in your hand.

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Thank you so much for all you're help and for always replying so fast

as I understand at the moment I need to wait for my calibrator to arrive...

but in the min-time when I go to a prepositional photo shop to print should I ask them not to edit my photos as a matter or fact I know that the do a  action for all the pics they print !  

also I was wondering if you could help me editing my pics as I'm having so trouble lately....

Thank you so so much 

All the best 


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Hi Damien

first I want to thank you for replying .... I really really appreciate it 

When I tell the photo shop not to edit my pictures - the prints are  very very dark !

I will make some pictures ( and send tomorrow as it's night here in Israel and I need the sunlight ..)  of prints I have ,edited and not edited so that you can see what I mean ...

 Can I pls ask you to take a look again at my pictures and tell me if they are really so dark ? or maybe there is something wrong with my coloring 

Thank's again 


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Ok ! I already did that  too !!!!!!!!!

I even started printing in a out of town printing shop that I know for a fact that most  the photographs print there ....

I have installed in my computer IN COLOR  do you think that's  the problem ?

Thanks  Miriam

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Hi Damien 

How are you?

its been a long time since I contacted you last....

finally my calibrator arrived and I followed all , I some pics before and after as  you wrote ...

now after I calibrated I find that my pics when they are printed are missing some green all the pictures were quite orange  what should I do now ??

also I have one more question , when I edit my pictures on Photoshop the coloring is not the same when I look at it like a normal pic - on windows photo viewer - on Photoshop the coloring is more pinky - do you think there is something I can do to fix all my problems ??


Thank you so so so much 

All the best 


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  On 1/30/2018 at 11:26 PM, Miriam H said:

also I have one more question , when I edit my pictures on Photoshop the coloring is not the same when I look at it like a normal pic - on windows photo viewer - on Photoshop the coloring is more pinky - do you think there is something I can do to fix all my problems ??


Let me answer this one first.  Windows Photo Viewer isn't colour-managed, so it will never be correct.  Photoshop is the only one which is correct.

  On 1/30/2018 at 11:26 PM, Miriam H said:

now after I calibrated I find that my pics when they are printed are missing some green all the pictures were quite orange  what should I do now ??


Which calibrator did you buy?  The X-Rite i1Display Pro that you were looking into?

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Hi ,

I think the best thing will be is to write all my problems so that you will be able to answer me one by one :

1. My printed picture look much more Similar  when I look at them on Windows Photo Viewer then when I look at the picture on Photoshop .

2. my pictures are quite pink on my screen ,

3. I know its sounds mad but some of my prints come out darker in print and  some were much lighter in print .......?

4. my pictures in print are missing GREEN .

5. now I don't know if my "My screen is warmer/cooler than my prints"........ as its is different on every picture - some times the coloring is brighter on my screen but some times the pictures are brighter .....


I hope you can help me , 

Thank you very very much for all you're help !!!

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  On 1/31/2018 at 6:21 PM, Miriam H said:

1. My printed picture look much more Similar  when I look at them on Windows Photo Viewer then when I look at the picture on Photoshop .


Ignore this.  If you mention it again, I'm walking away from this thread.  IT IS IRRELEVANT.

  On 1/31/2018 at 6:21 PM, Miriam H said:

3. I know its sounds mad but some of my prints come out darker in print and  some were much lighter in print .......?


This certainly does sound strange, but we'll come back to it later, once we've fixed the colour.

  On 1/31/2018 at 6:21 PM, Miriam H said:

2. my pictures are quite pink on my screen ,

4. my pictures in print are missing GREEN .


Green is the exact opposite colour of pink. So if pictures are missing green, it means they're pink.

So on that basis, it sounds like Photoshop matches your prints exactly.

But clearly this isn't the case, so please explain this colour difference again.

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