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Switching labs

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I've been using Millers for some time, and I was calibrated for them. I'm switching to Musea (though I'll also be using one other lab for canvas prints). I haven't touched my calibration other than my standard monthly recalibrate, and I received my test prints from Musea yesterday. I have their ICC profile on softproof, and when comparing, theirs is definitely warmer. So, now I need to match my prints, right? I confess, when I first calibrated to Millers, I didn't have to change a single thing, haha. Do I try to do this through the X-rite software, or what?

Also, if you use two labs, do you just choose the lab you use the most when calibrating?

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  On 1/28/2016 at 1:02 PM, JamieStefankoPhotography said:

I've been using Millers for some time, and I was calibrated for them. I'm switching to Musea (though I'll also be using one other lab for canvas prints). I haven't touched my calibration other than my standard monthly recalibrate, and I received my test prints from Musea yesterday. I have their ICC profile on softproof, and when comparing, theirs is definitely warmer. So, now I need to match my prints, right? I confess, when I first calibrated to Millers, I didn't have to change a single thing, haha. Do I try to do this through the X-rite software, or what?


Gee, warmer than Millers?  That's really concerning.  Millers are already too warm, compared to the international colour standards.

Do Musea give any advice about calibration targets on their website?  I have to admit I've never heard of Musea before.

By the way, please don't use soft-proofing when comparing prints for the purpose of assessing calibration.

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  On 1/28/2016 at 1:02 PM, JamieStefankoPhotography said:

 I have their ICC profile on softproof, and when comparing, theirs is definitely warmer.


Can you explain more what you meant by this? I see Damien touched on it already - you don't use ICC profiles to softproof. 

Were you using the same method to assess your calibration with Millers? This might account for why your Musea prints seem much warmer.

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  On 1/28/2016 at 2:51 PM, JamieStefankoPhotography said:

Before I ordered prints, I soft proofed them with their profile, its that where I went wrong? I don't remember how I did it with Miller's, it was ages ago. 


Yeah, it might be. How do the prints compare to your screen without softproofing turned on? 

Also, can you pull your Miller's prints out and see if they still match your monitor without softproofing?

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  On 1/28/2016 at 5:18 PM, JamieStefankoPhotography said:

Bah, they're a bit off from Miller's too - I upgraded my PC less than a month ago, so it's a new calibration.


This might be why your metals seemed overly magenta too! (they looked fine to me)

Sounds like you'll need to calibrate again. Do you have the instructions handy for your device?

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  On 1/28/2016 at 5:32 PM, Samantha LaRue said:

This might be why your metals seemed overly magenta too! (they looked fine to me)

Sounds like you'll need to calibrate again. Do you have the instructions handy for your device?


That's likely exactly it. I had saved the profile, but maybe ultimately upgrading to Windows 10 did me in somewhere, sigh.

I think I should be following this.


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  On 1/28/2016 at 5:48 PM, JamieStefankoPhotography said:

Alright then. It's a very overcast/rainy day, still better off waiting till nighttime?


It shouldn't make a difference if you are able to control the light in your room and there is no light directly hitting your screen.


If you're worried about light leaking under the sensor and interfering with your results then you can always drape a light dish cloth over the monitor while the device is taking its readings. :)

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