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Twins circle


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Yes I would like to make a 16x16 square. At the moment it cuts off the edges of circle. its more like a oval actually... but id prefer not to cut off edges

Edited by Tarria
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I've gone back to the start again. It's to do with the layers order and being able to blend. they just aren't blending well. I'm not sure how to use D & B very well either

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Take a look at my file again.  See how it really was just two big rectangular chunks of the photo that I copied, then moved and rotated into place?

I can see from your layers that you must be trying to carefully select some blanket before copying it.  That's wholly unnecessary.

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Should have gone with my gut

I bloody knew that i'm not supposed to use those tools at side. I was confused

I was doing it almost right. Except for soft light


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ok so this is where i'm up to.

i would like to blur the grey blanket please. do i make the whole thing a smart object? i'm not very familar with it. then gaussian blur on a new layer


5DM35402_1twins circle.jpg

I will crop to centre also before i finish

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