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Others storage file


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I just bought a brand new macbook pro last week with 1tb storage. I noticed today that my others folder is over 440gb. Ive googled and deleted many, many files, including cache and basic files that existed on the computer previously (fonts, etc.) Ive restarted several times and my others storage actually increased! I bought the clean my mac app and theres nothing left to remove. I dont understand what is taking up so much space in the others storage. Im absolutely baffled. Please help! 


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Hmm. That's a weird one. 500GB is really large.  By any chance, is this Mac OS Catalina and have you been using Time Machine? My best guess is what's happening is Time Machine is creating snapshots of your HD and instead of putting them on an External HD like it's supposed to, it's storing them on the Macintosh HD. The Mac OS doesn't know what to do with them so it's putting them in the "Others" section of the HD.

Some info here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204015


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Hi! Yes!

So i checked into time machine and it wasnt causing the problem. I ended up calling apple and he had me "index" the hard drive. Im not entirely sure what that means or why it needed to be done. It worked in the background for about 18 hours (i couldnt see it doing anything) and after the 18 hours was up, my hard drive was back to normal and my others storage file only takes up 40gb now. Its so weird, no explanation, but what he did worked!


Thank you for looking into it and checking in on me! 

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It sounds like the "Image" file that the factory used to install on your HD didn't transfer correctly. Chances are there is nothing wrong with your HD hardware-wise, it's just possibly screwed up software. 40GB of "Others" storage file seems large. I have zero on my iMac. Though I'm still on Mojave and you might be on Catalina.

Anyway, keep an eye on it. If it starts to grow, I'd back up your data and schedule an appointment with the Genius Bar and have them format your HD and re-install a fresh copy of the Operating System. Granted, this will be a PITA but long term, it should fix your problem.

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