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All the important settings

Make sure your screen looks exactly like mine:


  1. The White Point should be 6500K, unless you found out that your lab recommends something different.  If so, choose your lab's setting, but consider finding a new lab very quickly.
  2. Choose "Measured Mode" then type "80" in the White Luminance field.  This will be the brightness of your screen.
  3. The Gray Balance setting will be on "Faster" by default, but let's go for the best possible calibration we can.  Choose "Better" here.
  4. We're about to do a full calibration, so of course choose "FullCAL" here.

The default setting of Gamma 2.2 is always correct, no matter what out-of-date information you might have read about Macs using 1.8.  "Room Light Compensation" must always be off, and the "Backlight" should be what you chose on a previous screen.

Once all of those settings are input, press "Next" to begin the calibration process.

Let's calibrate! >>

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I don't have a screenshot for the first monitor I calibrated,  because I went ahead with 'Keep the settings you selected', and I no longer get the screen when I try to re-calibrate it, but when calibrating my second monitor (first time with this calibrator) I get this screen:


Followed by this screen - the analysis results are different depending on where on my desk I place the calibrator

image.thumb.png.69248bfff7bb74cc6c0181fc43e92cc9.png image.thumb.png.218ec6cbd7e7f0a1bb38e357a31a898e.png

As I said, with my first monitor, I selected the "Keep the settings you selected" option and continued, and that's when I'm brought to the calibration screen.



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