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Master files, and disposable Jpegs

When I look back at my archive disks from many years ago, when I was just starting out, I want to slap myself. I’ve got so many copies of each photo. Raws, Tiffs, PSDs, big Jpegs, little Jpegs, sharpened Jpegs, non-sharpened Jpegs ... aaaagh!!

Fortunately I’ve learned from my own mistakes, and I hope you can learn from them too. Don’t make the big mess I made!

Now, I keep it really clean. I have my original Raw file, and the edited PSD master file. The PSD file isn’t cropped or resized - it remains at full size, forever and ever.

When I need to output the image, I save a Jpeg copy of it (resized, cropped, sharpened, etc as needed). I send the Jpeg where it needs to go, then delete it from my hard drive. There’s no point in keeping it - if I need another Jpeg file next week, I’ll just make it again from the PSD file.

As long as I have a PSD master file, I don’t need to keep other files.

You’ll learn the process of preparing Jpeg files for print in The Print Sharpening Class.

Next: Jpegs for archiving >>

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8 hours ago, solley said:

If I need to use Filter > Adaptive Wide Angle, do I apply it/save it in the PSD file or this does with the other "output tools" (resized, cropped, sharpened)?

I would do it in the PSD.  Actually, I would do it as the very first step in Photoshop.  It would be considered part of "Step 2" in this process.

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Oh my aching skull.. So as I am reading this info on trashing Jpegs my head kind of exploded. I totally get what you are saying though. But not gonna lie, I have a TON of Jpegs with my RAWS and the thought of going back through them all to delete, makes me wanna cry. Not for getting rid of them just the work to do away with them LOL  Guess I know what my rainy day plans are!!

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Hi Damien,

Why do you keep a RAW file?

As I don't have intentions of re-editing, I delete once I have made the final sale. I keep all the PSDs and JPEGs as Jpegs don't take a lot of space(that's what I thought).

because I don't keep the RAW files, hence... I also delete the XMP files. 

appreciate your prompt responses and for your time.

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8 hours ago, R-Thi said:

Hi Damien,

Why do you keep a RAW file?

As I don't have intentions of re-editing, I delete once I have made the final sale. I keep all the PSDs and JPEGs as Jpegs don't take a lot of space(that's what I thought).

I agree with you, except for the jpegs. Don't keep those.  Just the PSDs.

But yes, once you're sure the job is completely finished, you can delete the raw files if you wish.

And yes, of course if you delete the raw files you can delete their xmp files too.  Bridge does this automatically for you.

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