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Matte Effect plus?

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Hi Damien, I would love to know how this photographer achieves this effect.  Looks like matte (I know, vomit lol) but I think there's something else....can't put my finger on it :)

Here is the link 



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No, that won't work.  Your photo is beautifully lit.  Whereas the example photos you've linked are all very shadowy.

I need you to find me a more suitable photo of your own; or link to different examples of photo with lighting like yours.

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Not sure whether this one would work.  I just took it today of one of my grandsons.  I tried the matte.  I also added a solid colour layer than masked most of it off.  I also used curves, contrast, and hue & sat.  Here  is my attempt.  Ignore the 3rd photo, uploaded in error and I've tried to delete it but it won't go away :|



Cameron 01 without matte DSC_8390.jpg

Cameron 01 with matte DSC_8390.jpg



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There is a haze or something on the first one I posted....I can get the matte part I think....it's the bit of haze.  It might be a light overlay?

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I tried it again with an image that has a darker background.  What do you think? I added a solid colour layer then masked most of it off and took even more off of her. 

Kurowski Family 02.jpg

Kurowski Family 02.jpg

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Do you have any images with a strong backlight? Yours are all very evenly lit, and I think part of the editing you're finding the most appealing is due to her dramatic lighting.

It looks like heavy haze to me...as in, done in camera due to the strong light.

(example of an old photo I took, SOOR)


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