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Damien, a lot is going on here. In Ontario we are in a deep lockdown. (I am not sleeping for reasons you don't want to hear.) My computer got moved. I forgot to recalibrate. I updated to Big Sur, a lot of weird stuff happening. Finally, I think I never viewed individual colours in this way before. 

So... I recalibrated - it is better now (brightness was off). The photo in the browser is tiny, when I dragged the corners of my file to a tiny size the colours seemed to compress visually, into the smaller size. My file now looks like the browser with the blue in it. I actually didn't realize how much blue was in the flower. But that is the point of the exercise.

I will post to the editing section of the website until I have something worthy of moving to the next part of the course. It might be awhile before you like my work. This is all new to me (obviously).

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