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Perspective Issue

Royal Jayhawk

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Hi Damien - 

I read up on your article on perspective corrections and am just having a heck of a time fixing this image.  The building has a lot of vertical lines that I am trying to align to a grid so that all of the vertical sides of the windows and building match up to the vertical gridlines.  I also drew a line on a new layer from the left edge of the roof to the right edge of the roof and noticed the whole image is bowed like a "U".  I think I understand how I would pull the image if it were in front of me in the format of play dough... but I am not sure how to achieve my desired result in photoshop.  Haha.  



DSC_0445 b&w.jpg

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Hi Damien - 

Got back to this one tonight.  I think I got the perspective correct but didn't use skew because this looked right to me.  Do you think this needs skew?  Admittedly, I have not dabbled a ton with perspective tools, so this has been a learning experience.




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