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Damien Symonds

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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment

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  1. Seems good to me. Will you get to see it in person?
  2. Sorry, I haven't actually looked at your screen, because I got distracted by this comment: You MUST make sure the teens know that your monitor is calibrated for imaging, and if they touch the monitor's settings (brightness, colour, contrast) even a tiny bit, they'll be grounded for a million f&*king years. Agreed?
  3. Then you'll probably need to budget for a new calibrator as well. Old calibration technology is increasingly not playing well with modern screen technology.
  4. Hi Jessie, which calibrator do you have?
  5. So you downloaded the .atn file, then you double-clicked on it? And what happened?
  6. I can't remember any mention of selection tools in that article?
  7. Can you remind me which version of Photoshop you have?
  8. I'm so sorry, I can't remember the discussion you're referring to. Could you give me a bit more information?
  9. If you go to my search page, and begin to type "Gradie..." you'll find a few resources.
  10. https://max.mailbigfile.com/52d394cc14648c457693e76107c46e68/listFiles.php
  11. The only way is by resizing carefully to exactly the right size and resolution for each form of output (print, web, whatever). If you don't have that control, and it seems likely that you don't, then your only other solution is to blur the hell out of the shirt to get rid of the texture altogether. Not a satisfactory method, I'm sure you'll agree.
  12. Honestly, I don't know. You're right, the other one is a disaster.
  13. Oh, that explains it. Zero feathering. None at all.
  14. That's odd. I wonder why the edges didn't work?
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