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monitor profile - file for making sure it's correct

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Hi D -

First - Hope that you're ok and that you recover from your minor surgical procedure quickly.

Second - a long time ago, you had provided a profile we could use to click on to change the display and then we would click on the calibrated profile to give it a kick start. Hope this makes sense to you and that you can figure out what I'm talking about. The reason I am asking about this is that my monitor display just recently turned purple/magenta and I just calibrated it last night. Today - it was fine one minute and then the next it changed to this strange color. I ended up shutting down the monitor and the computer and it seemed to be normal, but thought maybe it needed a kick (in the pants) start to make sure it didn't happen again!




Edited by Jennifer
file not accurate
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now next question. I had been saving the newly calibrated profile with the date just so I could remember when I last calibrated (i know - kind of OCD), and so have built up a number of them. I thought I remembered something else you wrote about getting rid of them. Can you tell me where in my OS they live, please?

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