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Orange Baby!


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Hi Damien, I photographed a baby that was so jaundiced he was orange!  I have completed my raw processing and now am trying to fix his colour in photoshop.  I am using using colour balance as well as reducing the saturation.  I've also tried to use curves.  Do you have any suggestions as to the best way of obtaining a normal skin tone for him? PS Not all of the photos have his sister in them.  For the photos of him alone, do you recommend using the colour saturation/luminance slides in raw as a starting point, then finishing in Photoshop? This image is SOOR.


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There was a bit of a shadow in the foreground so I lightened it a bit.  I know the backdrop needs a bit of work along with the wrap he is in. I think the rest is good?

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 Hmmm.  Ok I lightened the baby.  He looks quite bright to me but it's evening here and when I calibrated, I did so in afternoon light.  And I'm still learning lol.  

I was thinking of upgrading to the Raw Deluxe class.

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