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How large can i print this?

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Hi, Ive read 3 articles of yours about this subject but still a bit confused, sorry! Whats the biggest i can print this image? Its very heavily cropped, and by my calculations of WxH i get roughly 5.2megapixels on the crop. I say roughly because crop is flexible, i just wanted to keep it head&shoulders only if possible. Is there any hope of printing large canvas? 30x20ish inches? Thank you!


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4 minutes ago, Damien Symonds said:

Aluminium would be the same as prints.

For canvas, you can go bigger, but I wouldn't take a 5.2MP crop to 20x30.

Oh no, that's really poo :( I might have to crop larger then! Thanks. Does focus look ok for large (-ish) aluminium?

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