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Everything posted by CatherineL

  1. Hi, I have some cheapo Amazon speakers for my desktop and they have worked fine up until a few months ago. I have the volume at 100% on everything and can hardly hear a thing now. I've googled every solution and cannot find one that is helping. Do speakers "wear out" at some point and need to be replaced?
  2. I have, but I don't think I saved it. I'll check.
  3. Mom did not like the way the collar laid on the right (shirt was damp). Is there any possibility that it can be fixed?
  4. Aaaand after all that she preferred the original.
  5. Ok, I will keep trying on a bigger file and compare to your version.
  6. This is amazing, thank you! How did you get the dad's shirt back to normal? I will keep trying to get it right, but again, thank you!
  7. Shit, neve rmind that one. I forgot to fix the girl's sweater. I was editing it earlier and forgot I couldn't get that part cloned right.
  8. Uploaded the files, thank you
  9. Would you mind giving it a try?
  10. I'm just not able to get it right. Would swapping out be a better option? This is at a different angle so I'm not sure if it will work.
  11. What size brush do you recommend? I'm trying a bigger one, but it looks worse than my first attempt.
  12. I *attempted* to use the liquify tool to make it look as though the mom is not slouching. I *think* it looks better but how would I fix the daughter and husband's shirts?
  13. Thank you! The client preferred the original background for the first photo in this post. I didn't show her the one I that had the super blurred background. I used one similar to this last one.
  14. Here is another attempt at swapping out a background. How does it look?
  15. Really? The background isn't too blurred?
  16. Trying now but it's looking REALLY bad, lol.
  17. I don't even know where to start and how to go about blending them together.
  18. Would you mind playing with them? I'd love to see the possibility of how I could improve it.
  19. How about this? My husband. Clearly excited to take family photos.
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