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Everything posted by CatherineL

  1. I just saw the Bridge Class! Will definitely be taking that one soon!
  2. I was opening them from the folder on my desktop, not Bridge. Here is one zoomed in at 100%
  3. Wait, I think I just had to change it to have Ps open them. The default must have been windows. I got them open! My hero!! Thanks again! You’re the best!
  4. I got as far as converting the files, but I can’t get them to open. This is what my screen looks like. I am using CS4. I switched the preferences to “Camera Raw 5.4 and later” since it says it’s for CS4. When I click on the dng files it says “windows can’t open files”
  5. I use CS4 and bridge for editing. I know I need to upgrade, but this is what I have now. I just got a used mark iii and bridge is not reading the files. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. Yes, that is correct. I'm sorry, I'm not getting notified of your responses even though I have it on to do so.
  7. When I push the "save" button. It looks like it's generating, but then the window pops up.
  8. I've created one before but now I'm getting a pop up that says 'resize is undefined". Anyone know what that means? I am working in CS4. Thank you.
  9. I'm definitely intrigued by her editing style. Is this something that can be duplicated by taking the Levels Class?
  10. Thank you, Damien! Funny thing, when I found a cropped version in Bridge, no moire. When I open the same photo in PS, it's there.
  11. Those funky lines in his shirt? I've tried playing with the chromatic aberration in raw, but it's not making a difference when I play with the sliders.
  12. Hi Brian, I ended up purchasing the D-Link AC1200, thinking it was a router. It is not, correct? Just a wifi extender? I'm having major issues with the wifi in my house. By "Cat 6 cable", do you mean ethernet cable? Do you have to have a wireless router in addition to the D-Link?
  13. Also, I need a new router. Any recommendations for a new one? My current Belkin one (AC1200 DB WI-FI Dual Band AC+) keeps kicking everyone off the wifi. I have tried updating the firmware. Please and thank you!!
  14. Unrelated question, but since you're a tech kinda guy, I just thought I'd ask. I downloaded a font a few months ago and now everything on my homepage, email,etc is that font. I have no idea what I did to make this happen, but it's driving me absolutely nuts. Any idea how to change it back?
  15. Thank you so much for the recommendation. I really appreciate your help!!
  16. I will snap a pic in the morning for you. In the basement right now, tornado warnings/watches here. thank you
  17. Thanks so much Brian! Now...any monitor recommendations?
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