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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Hi @kellrodriguez, may we have some more information? Where are these files? I mean, are they on your internal hard drive, or an external one?
  2. If that doesn't work, you'll need to go exploring in the Keyboard Shortcuts (in the Edit menu on a PC, not sure about a Mac) and see if you can figure out the problem there. If THAT doesn't work, you'll need to reset Photoshop's preferences entirely.
  3. In that case: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/09/resetting-tools.html
  4. Ok, interesting. Maybe recalibrate now, with the lower brightness?
  5. It had the info for the new sliders three years ago when you were still in the class!!! I'm sad that you didn't take advantage of it at the time. Are you sure the light in your room is ok? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/01/light-around-your-computer.html
  6. I don't yet have instructions written for the SpyderX range, I'm afraid. Were you following my directions for the Spyder5?
  7. Well, I'd been really hoping we could blame it on poor calibration. But since you said your screen is acceptably close to your prints ..
  8. Badly Look, whatever. You keep going with your dodgy raw processing using out-of-date sliders, and use this Channel Mixer layer for the moire: Red 0, +105, +15, +10 Green 0, +90, +10, 0 Blue 0, +90, +10, 0
  9. https://ask.damiensymonds.net/topic/8513-raw-signup-16/
  10. And? A perfect match to your pro lab prints?
  11. Oh hell, no, that's worse.
  12. Yep, that should be easy enough to fix. Go ahead and do your raw processing as normal, then post the photo again and we'll fix the moire.
  13. Oh, I used to have an XP-Pen brand one! Yep, this is perfect. As a starter device, anyway. You should definitely try it out. Remember what I said in my article - don't expect to love it straight away. In fact, there's a 50-50 chance that you'll utterly hate it straight away. But give it a couple of weeks, and you'll grow to love it.
  14. You'll find 'em here: https://www.damiensymonds.net/calibration.html
  15. https://www.damiensymonds.net/2014/03/distortion-or-perspective-correction.html
  16. Good. Yes. Hopefully it won't be necessary. But if it is necessary, you'll do it. Adjust again, then calibrate again. As often as you need to.
  17. Because if you have to fix the mask on the fox (which I think you will have to, it looks a bit rough along its back) you don't need to re-mask two layers, of course. What do you think of it? Suitably shaded considering its location?
  18. You have to recalibrate after doing this. Have you done so?
  19. Whaat? No, it's perfect, I assure you.
  20. This is unlikely to be because of a Bridge update. It seems more likely to be because of an ACR update. Either way, it's annoying. Can you try it without anything?
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