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Crystal Felton

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Everything posted by Crystal Felton

  1. also, you don't have to use a program to download them to your computer. You can copy/paste right off the card, or use the windows viewer. I prefer Bridge, but there are other options
  2. could you make that one adjustment and save it as a preset? is there a way to load a default preset?
  3. likely a mix of reducing the shadows/evening out the skin tone altogether and liquify
  4. this is going to be tough, and likely not very believable. Are you sure you can't re-shoot? http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/06/adding-plain-background.html http://www.damiensymonds.net/replace-background-hair
  5. I'm trying to make some creepy zombie pictures of my kids for an upcoming party. This is where I've gotten, using this tutorial. I think the eyes are lacking, and I probably will take a better picture of him that suits this genre for my final image. Thoughts on how I can improve?
  6. upgrade them to 12x18, at no additional cost, since this is your error . Tell them it's just not workable as an 8x10
  7. Thanks for this. I had a play with one of my own images, and it's pretty neat
  8. I'm kind of confused. The edit isn't even the same baby's mouth?
  9. I would say most people do that gallery wraps, with Luster Paper Canvas Matte Laminate. They do have a lot of options though https://www.whcc.com/products/wall-displays/gallery-wraps#details
  10. I use Shoot & Sell + Proofshare on my iPad, connected to my TV if showing at my home, or just on my iPad if showing elsewhere.
  11. I think it's a little bit too yellow...maybe reduce the opacity a bit?
  12. I would use a combination of patch and clone. You could probably correct the red, and do a bit of dodge & burn (damien's method) also
  13. if you can't get the brightness of your screen to match your prints, it's not going to work.... How many labs have you tried?
  14. it *looks* like your monitor is too bright, at least part of the problem Have you turned down your monitor to more closely match the print? How many labs have you tried test prints with?
  15. you could try to keep your adjustment layers, but not the skin work. You may have to make other adjustments to the adjustment layers, also...depending on what you did http://www.damiensymonds.net/2013/10/replacing-raw-edit-in-psd.html
  16. it's probably true. Apple seems to work like that @Brian
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