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mark green

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  • Main editing computer
    Mac desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 5D mk4, 16-35 F4 IS USM, 50 F1.8 STM (It’s been my birthday)
    Sony NEX 6. SEL24F18Z, SEL1670Z, SEL55210

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  1. Clever edit - how did you set the channel values in level 2?
  2. Hi Brian, Thanks for the recomemendation and points. 1. I'll look at the Ultrasharp Dell you recommended. There seem to be other dispalys in that range as well, e.g. Dell UltraSharp U2720Q that has somewhat higher specs. Overkill do you think or worth considering if I1m looking to get a monitor that will last? 2. Calibration tool: I currently have a i1 Display Pro, would you recommend replacing it with the Spyder X Elite tool? Appreciate the time it takes to answer these sort of questions - so thanks - and if you are ever in Norway I'll get you a beer
  3. I have recently bought a Mac Book Pro (16 inch) to replace my 27 inch iMac from 2012. While the new machine is obviously way faster the display is obviously 1. looks great but is significantly smaller, 2. increases the risk of Damien shouting at me if I continue to edit on a portable... So my question is what would you recommend at an external monitor for the portable? & what are the main things to look out for in a new display? 1. I could buy a USB C to mini display port adaptor and continue to use the iMac. (iMac has 2540*1440 display - the portable has a resolution 3072*1920). 2. A could invest in a new external monitor. Considering most options as far as cost is concerned - with the exception of the new Apple display obviously! Background: As I work away from home a lot of the time a good portable with a modern screen seemed a good solution, but with the covid situation it looks like I'm going to be working from home for the forseeable future and even though the portable screen is good I will miss a larger display.
  4. Damien, Is there some way of marking or saving threads like this that I am likely to want to read again? ( Or am I missing something obvious.) Really impressive edit BTW ?, but then again I wouldn’t expect anything else
  5. OK will come back with that. I should have read the ‘read before posting’ more recently than I did - duh ?
  6. Hi Damien, I wonder if you could give me some insight in to the style or atmosphere that Ewen Bell brings to many of his images. I know he shoots in to the light a lot, and often at sunrise/sunset so the light is central to many of his shots but there is also a definite 'feel' to his images as well. Examples of the sort of images I'm referring to are https://ewenbell.com/workshops/FlindersRanges2017.pdf https://ewenbell.com/editorial/Flinders+Ranges https://ewenbell.com/itinerary-outback.php
  7. mark green


    Focus check please (he says hacked off with himself for missing focus) f8, 1/250 ISO 2000 55-210 at 135mm (equal to 202 mm full format)
  8. Thanks for the comprehensive response and honest advice on editing on a laptop - I do love my iMac screen I will continue with triage on the old Mac Book Air for as long as possible and wait to see what happens after summer/autumn. I mightb come back to you then. Cheers
  9. Hoping for a bit of a reality check on the question I am working on - what to buy to work on images when I am away from my iMac. Currently I have a 27 iMac at home - see 'About my Mac' jpeg attached & it has a 1TB hard drive, & I am very happy with it - it does everything I want and together with gentle guidance from Damien allows me to produce some great images The 1st world problem I have is that I work away from this machine 50% of the time and want to have a device that will allow me to continue to edit while I am away. The Mac Book Air portable I use at the moment is slowly fading - its a mid 2011 4GB 1.7Ghz machine that has served me well (but now requires an external keyboard to use it.) So the question is what to replace it with? There seem to be at least three options: 1. Get a new portable with a high specs, e.g. Mac Book Pro, but as you said in your earlier January thread it works out very expensive but would allow me to continue to use full Photoshop with a tablet. 2. Get a lower spec machine e.g. the Mac Book with retina screen + 16GB. Still able to run full Photoshop. 3. Try a iPad Pro & try the somewhat limited Photoshop apps or go over to the darkside and do some editing in Lightroom (expecting Damien to strike me down here) For images that I want to get the very best out of then the iMac is 'my go' to option. Do you have any advice on what to do while away from the iMac?
  10. Thanks I have a shot of some white gum trees that already have some rays in but I wanted to pull them out a bit more- cheers.
  11. I'll take that as a vote of confidence and work from the the best of the three I'll edit some up and see if I can get 'em past you
  12. HI, I have a number of photos where I have tried bracketing shots - as described in Brian's post below. So I end up with three photos that in theory should be combined in to one that will give a better result for a, e.g., bright sky and dark foreground. My question is: how would you recommend these fit into the ACR process? Would you combine them first and then do the RAW edits on the merged image or process each one individually and edit them concnertrating on getting either the 'bright' or 'dark' areas right? I'm assuming that you bracket in the firstplace because one image can't cover the range you want. Any pearls?
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