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Everything posted by Barry685

  1. Im not sure if this is the right place to post this. This is an image from a class that I am taking on digital painting. Curious to know what methods you would use to remove the fence.
  2. Hi, Was wondering on your opinion of this method for dealing with glare. https://photoshopcafe.com/remove-reflections-glasses-photoshop/
  3. Another computer. this never happened until installing this new drive, or perhaps my vpn software which just had an update changed something.
  4. On a recently installed drive (SSD) on a Pc that is connected thru the network. I can not connect to this drive (from a different computer) when I am using a VPN. If I turn the VPN off no problem.
  5. I have some very old programs on this pc that i need to occasionally Access. So this pc will not be upgraded. It is not used for editing.
  6. Figured it out. Have to change it to GPT first.
  7. Just purchased wd blue 4tb ssd drive. Intended to be used internally in a win 7 pc. Right now I have it attached through a usb port externally and trying to format it to its full capacity using Disk Management. However using ntfs it is only allowing me to create a simple volume and max size of 2 tb.
  8. Just purchased wd blue 4tb ssd drive. Intended to be used internally in a win 7 pc. Right now I have it attached through a usb port externally and trying to format it to its full capacity using Disk Management. However using ntfs it is only allowing me to create a simple volume and max size of 2 tb.
  9. Is there a difference in the quality of a flattened file that will end up in 8bit, if the 16- 8 conversion is done prior to flattening vs after?
  10. I have been using C1 since v3 so I'm just used to it. I am taking the raw and skin classes from Damien and I am trying to apply his Raw processing technique to C1.
  11. I don't have xmp's ( I use Capture 1 not ACR) If I did have xmp 's I would not upload them because they are not photos (even though they dont take up much space). I don't use any of the above programs, but I have tested them and I know they work. I use this for free: https://www.cloudberrylab.com/explorer.aspx But its completely manual, so right after a session I simply upload the folder that contains the raw's. Im also on a pc and am not sure of MAC availability on those programs.
  12. I backup to an internal drive. and an external drive, Amazon Prime, and from one particular pc, backblaze as well. I have no reason not to trust Amazon any less than Backblaze. Also with Amazon Prime you can backup as many Pc's as you want. I currently have about 11tb stored on Amazon. I do also have a 2 bay Qnap NAS with some image files on it, but it's primary function is for a Plex Server ?
  13. Amazon Prime also includes unlimited photo storage including raw's (but for some reason not Psd's) you can use either: https://www.goodsync.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwyoHlBRCNARIsAFjKJ6CS93HkL3Bl0uhroHc4q_JWS9NbettOpZHtSz39Zom9oasL4ik2WMUaAkQPEALw_wcB or https://www.2brightsparks.com/syncback/sbpro.html To automate the backups. The only thing you have to change is to make sure you filter the backups to only include photos.
  14. Thanks I will try some of these techniques tomorrow. Any thoughts on using LAB numbers even if you are editing in RGB?
  15. That's certainly possible. Do you have any recommendations for color correcting skin tones by the Numbers?
  16. Hi Damien decided to try this. Shot both Wb targets under the same settings. The only adjustment in ACR was exposure (the same for both) and of course the individual Wb settings. This is wb off of laser printout. These were done with the Passport. What is your opinion?
  17. If you are selling on your premises, and the goal is to sell wall portraits. The very best way is to use software that is designed for this purpose, with a projector and a large screen. This software is used by many studios. https://www.timeexposure.com/
  18. I don't know if hes awake yet?. Brian where are you located?
  19. If I want to post a Sooc is that a screenshot of the image while in ACR before any adjustments have been made, or is it the saved image from ACR where none of the default settings have been changed?
  20. I fixed it. I have another pc with PS installed that was working properly. I found the directory that has the files and copied them into the problem pc.
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