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Preserve & Archive Slides/Scanning

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The burning 2AM question: how to share scanned slides?

I have recently obtained over 80 boxes of slide from my mom & dad's house. (They both have Alzheimer's.) My goals are: 1) Preserve them in unedited, digital form so I can share them with siblings, grand kids, gt grand kids etc etc on USB flash drives.

2) Pick out 50 to 100 gems to edit in the future.

I'm the only one in the family with Photoshop. If I share USB flash drives will others be able to view them? Should I first scan in jpeg so all can see? Would someone please hit me in the head with a hammer? Why would I even consider scanning them in jpeg, and then re-scan my favorites in Tiff or PSD? Damien's article states only Tiff or PSD. http://www.damiensymonds.net/scanning-guidelines-for-old-photo-restoration.html

Has anyone ever had large batches like this they want to preserve? I considered just sharing the favorites but who am I to limit the story photos tell? I know all won't be "good photos" but i don't want to silence the voice of my parents.


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I don't have any personal experience with slides, however from what I understand you need a special type of scanner to process these images. 

I'd scan them at whatever the best file type is (I'm guessing it'll be tiff). After you have your files scanned and safe on your computer, then it should be a simple matter of using Image Processor via Bridge to batch save jpeg copies to share with your friends and family. 

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Thank you Samantha you are a lifesaver and I will sleep much better tonight.... I'm not familiar with Bridge, but so excited it will ease the process. Off to do more homework!

PS I just purchased the Epson V800 photo scanner so I have that in my tool shed to assist. I was afraid to start the process but you have established a workflow for me. Thank you!

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  On 1/28/2016 at 5:23 PM, ConnieR said:

Thank you Samantha you are a lifesaver and I will sleep much better tonight.... I'm not familiar with Bridge, but so excited it will ease the process. Off to do more homework!

PS I just purchased the Epson V800 photo scanner so I have that in my tool shed to assist. I was afraid to start the process but you have established a workflow for me. Thank you!


Oh good! Glad to hear you have the correct scanner. Image Processor is located under Tools > Photoshop and should be pretty self explanatory to use. :)

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  On 1/28/2016 at 11:55 PM, Brian said:

I just found this nifty little tutorial for the V700. I'm sure the V800 isn't THAT different:

How to scan 35mm slides wtih an Epson V700


Oh I notice he is using Epson scan in the tutorial. He has some good tips.  SilverFast SE 8 is included with my scanner. It has an anti-scratch/dust function I'm interested in, but want to do my editing in Photoshop.

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