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Richer colors in beach photos?

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I have played with trying to achieve this look and I'm at a loss.  I may have discovered part of the reason in searching for my own photo... it seems not many of this photog's are backlit as strongly, but I can also promise you that the water and sky colors are not that intense SOOC as her location is fairly close to mine.  I don't think she typically drops skies in, it seems to be an enhancement of existing skies? I've tried playing with my saturation but I get very weird unnatural results.. I've linked to a FB post as her site seems to be down atm and the photo closest to mine would be the one at the middle right of this collage:

Here's mine, SOOR, any help would be much appreciated :-)SOORfeb2016A.thumb.jpg.ae9861e2fc2c37c70

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Hey Damien, I tried to download this PSD and open in Elements but it just shows a folder next to the layer mask so I can't actually see the steps you took  because the folder won't expand. When I hover my mouse over the folder it says "indicates a set." Is this because I have elements?  Is there a way to duplicate this effect in elements?  Thanks in advance!

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