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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 6d and 60d

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  1. I am running an old version of pscc 21.2.12 and the panels are not quite working correctly. I am taking a refresher course in layers and masks. I installed the newest version of pscc and it seems really buggy, so I uninstalled. What version of pscc would you recommend?
  2. How do I stop this panel from opening here. I like it to open directly above.
  3. Not sure this is the right spot for this question, but I'm here. At what point do we flatten our image? What is the purpose? And how to? Direct me and I will read the information
  4. I am trying to enable my crop shield in ps, but am unable to for some reason. I had it enabled at one [point, but can't seem to redo. Help appreciated.
  5. There was a diagram/flow chart of start to finish and outputs, etc...where is that located in the RAW or Levels class? Hope this makes sense. I am not a professional, just a mom taking pics. Do I really need to keep my RAW images after I've edited. I do trash jpegs from my computer and save to externals for my kids to have. I do like keeping my psd files.
  6. I shouldn't be paying past my bedtime. I convert this to a smart object to play in the filter gallery. I did something wrong because I can't undo the convert. I am attaching a screen shot for help. Direct me else where if necessary. Thank you...I double clicked on the smart object icon and I got this psb thingy.
  7. There are so many images from wedding photography. If the lighting is the same, RAW editing can be applied to multiple images. I can't imagine doing layers/levels work on couple hundred images. How is that done? I'm just curious about it.
  8. I just discovered a Camera RAW Filter in Photoshop. I am curious about it's purpose and how it operates? I played around with it a bit. Understand you can use it on JPEG's to recover more.
  9. i actually figured it out...can you tell me how it looks? The area around his shoulder looks like I need to do something. Thank you
  10. I am cloning out a foot in a pic. I have done the cloning. I feel like a duh, but when I add the mask, it's white. I know I am doing something wrong obviously. Please a bit more instruction...I am sure this is pretty straight forward, but some of us are slow learners!
  11. Sucks...it's all gray! You can where the eyeball is, but I haven't found for entire thing...oh well!
  12. So sorry, but this is driving me crazy. How to I get the layers level a color? Like yours are blue in the video. Probably ridiculous question
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