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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Just click on the name of the action, then click Play.
  2. Any photos at all, as long as they show a range of colour. For a true black-and-white just use my action. Otherwise, simple a Hue/Saturation layer with the Saturation slider dragged all the way to the left.
  3. Without prints you can't know if your calibration is correct; and without confirmed calibration you can't upgrade your class. Please get those prints pronto. https://www.damiensymonds.net/cal_starthere.html
  4. That'll be one of those painting programs. From Corel or some such company.
  5. It has never had a D60. In fact, it didn't use to have D75 either. Ignore what Artsy Couture say. They are idiots. Just use whatever setting matches your prints.
  6. Yeah, Bridge gives us surprisingly few options when right-clicking in the Preview panel. The Content panel is where all the control is.
  7. Oh gee, just select all of them in Bridge, then right-click and choose "Develop Settings > Clear Settings".
  8. Sorry, it says "This video is private" and won't let me view it.
  9. Talk to me, @Gabriela. Which calibrator do you have, and in what way does your screen not match your prints?
  10. Just use the bog-standard one that loads with "North America General Purpose 2". There's no such thing as "correct".
  11. I hope you'll join the Layers & Masks Class soon. It will resolve your fears.
  12. I don't know how to answer your question. 2019 was perfect for me ... but so is 2020. So I don't know if my experience will translate to your computer.
  13. I trust you've also seen lots of people (myself included) say it's working perfectly for them? Can you do this for me? https://www.damiensymonds.net/thread1.html
  14. Happy new year, @NancyA. When will I get to see some more of your photos?
  15. I think, with extraordinary patience, it could be done. Some of it would be Advanced Levels, but unfortunately that wouldn't do all of it - there would be some incredibly painstaking hair replacement required to. It would be a job of hours and hours.
  16. So they claim it can be done, then?
  17. Sorry, I think my question came out wrong. I mean, is it a requirement of the class that you remove the fence? Is this an image which was supplied by the class?
  18. Is it a requirement of the class that you do so?
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