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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. I forgot to show you this, too. You'll find it useful if you're embarking on more of this kind of work in the future.
  2. https://ask.damiensymonds.net/topic/107-read-this-first-posting-guidelines-and-download-files/ Please read Points 1-4 again.
  3. If all you are outsourcing is the deep etching (and it sounds like that's the case here) then you would do all your editing on the images first. You would save your master PSD files as usual. Then you would save those files as maximum quality jpegs, and send them off. They would send them back, also in jpeg format, but with the clipping paths included. Is that what they did? Made the background pure white? That definitely wasn't necessary, they shouldn't have done that. Are the clipping paths saved in the files? If you open a file, then go to your Paths panel, is there anything there? If not, they cocked up.
  4. I've just sent you an email with some files attached. If you don't receive the email, please let me know.
  5. .... ? Are you going to tell me what font you used? I'm trying my best to help you here. You have to give me everything I need.
  6. I'll need a closer view of it please. Can you zoom in on one and take another screenshot for me?
  7. It's an easy assumption to make. But if you check the PNG file, you'll see it's not quite black.
  8. @Michelle G, please come back! I need the above information to continue to help you quickly.
  9. Also, you sent me the wrong logo file. The one in your layout has "Motus Ninjas" together in one line, not two lines.
  10. Also, the dark part of the logo file you sent me looks like it's black at first glance, but in actual fact it's not black but very dark grey. Is it supposed to be black?
  11. You gave me these dimensions, but the file in your screenshots is definitely not that shape. Please can you give me the correct dimensions pronto?
  12. Holy moley, that's a really small file, isn't it? Ok, give me 20 minutes, and I'll see what I can do. Oh by the way, do you happen to know what the "NINJAS" font is?
  13. Darn it! That's bad news. Ok, let's see what we can salvage from this situation. I need you to send me all the logo files you were provided. So I can have a look and see what can be done with them. Send them via https://spaces.hightail.com/uplink/BellePhotography And please check again, to see if they sent you anything else apart from PNG files. Ideally we want PDF, AI or EPS.
  14. Sorry, I asked that question badly. What file format did you receive the logo in?
  15. Oh darn. Yeah, this isn't going to work, sorry. You really have to make this in InDesign or Illustrator.
  16. Oh, sorry, may I have your layers panel included in the screenshot?
  17. Your mistake was to send DNG files. Of course DNG files can't be deep-etched, so that's why they had to save them as jpegs. They did the right thing.
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