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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Gee, you'd just paint right over it, I reckon. Download PSD file
  2. Ok, great. Are these the exact instructions you followed?
  3. That message really doesn't matter. Keeping the graphics processor turned off is generally a good idea anyway. Do you have this button visible?
  4. Opinions are completely irrelevant here. The only relevance is the print match. Which calibrator do you have, and what screen? And which pro lab do you print with?
  5. Ok, let's take it step by step. First, can you tell me which version of Elements you have?
  6. I'll be able to help with this to a degree. Go ahead and do your raw processing as normal, then post the 100% crop again for me.
  7. Oh crap, no wonder. This is similar to this question. I'm not aware if CC would solve your problem, sorry.
  8. Do you think his eyes need to change size? Or would it be enough just to fix the bit at the left-hand edge?
  9. Just go to my website and search for "glasses". It should be the first hit.
  10. I'm so sorry, I don't know. What is the resolution of the laptop's screen?
  11. It's not quite clear from your question - have you tried this?
  12. I've moved this post to the correct area.
  13. https://m.popkey.co/8de54f/QlKmV.gif Anyway, what you've done is ok. Nobody will notice. You just made it extra hard for yourself by cropping, that's all.
  14. You open the water hole photo, but DON'T open the tree photo. With the water hole photo open, you'll go to File>Place, and select the tree photo. After placing it, you reduce its layer opacity to about 50% so you can see where you're putting it, then Ctrl T to resize and move it to exactly where you want it. Then increase the layer opacity to 100% again. Then add the mask, and mask it in.
  15. A Channel Mixer layer: Red 0, +105, 0 Green 0, +100, 0 Blue 0, +115, 0
  16. Because this is NOT 2:3 shape: Which means that you pre-cropped. Which is VERY BAD. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/09/cropping-tutorial.html
  17. The Nikon D750 should be a 2:3 shaped sensor, shouldn't it??
  18. Gee, something seems to have gone wrong here. What camera was this photo taken with?
  19. Gosh, well spotted. This could have caused you much pain later. Yes, immediately go to Edit>Assign Profile, and assign sRGB to it.
  20. Wow. How weird!!! Can you try this for me? Install it and set it up, then the next time this happens, see if it can knock things back into shape for you.
  21. And what fixes it? Do you have to restart to get it to go back to normal?
  22. After you restored your laptop, and re-installed the Spyder software, did you make sure you had the most current version from their website? When you see this problem occur, do other programs look bad too?
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