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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Please don't do any Photoshop work until your raw processing is done.
  2. Thankfully, the shadows are falling on the other side, the side where you don't need to replace the wall.
  3. This is the best I can manage. Would it be ok?
  4. It's a coating they put on the lenses. I'm really struggling with this one. There are some more things I want to try, but it'll have to wait til tomorrow, sorry.
  5. It looks like you've used a linear gradient instead of a radial one?
  6. Are you familiar with this? http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/10/shift-while-brushing.html
  7. Oh gosh, it's really severe, isn't it? Did you shoot raw?
  8. Yes, it's incredibly destructive. Never use it. Only use the Crop Tool, and NEVER during editing. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/09/cropping-tutorial.html
  9. NEVER use the Free Transform method. It's a very dangerous myth.
  10. No, sorry, I'm not taking on editing work at the moment. Does this help? http://www.damiensymonds.net/preventing-banding-in-backdrops/
  11. Download the PSD It's the same gradient layer twice. The bottom one is on "Multiply" mode, and I kept it hidden until I'd almost completely masked the top one. Then I painted on its mask at low opacity to darken the background around the hair just enough to match the new background. And the top layer is the noise layer.
  12. It's not difficult, per se, but it's definitely not quick.
  13. Not as such. I'm happy to help, but I'll need you to post the actual photo, rather than a screenshot.
  14. Looks fabulous, well done. Just to check, you haven't cropped your PSD, have you?
  15. What Brian means is that a Lightroom catalogue with no photos in it is best
  16. I was a latecomer to Spyders. I only started at 4.
  17. No, sorry, black is not feasible. Very dark brown, or very dark grey, would be the best we could manage. Would she settle for that?
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