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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. There are various ways to do this. I prefer to teach a two-step method (even though there are some one-step methods available) because it is easiest to replicate in various situations. First, a layer to lighten the hand. I used Levels, but Curves or Brightness/Contrast would work too. Then clip a Photo Filter layer to it, and experiment with each of the Warming filters, and the Yellow filter. I used Yellow for this job. Play with the Density slider to taste.
  2. Also, it looks like you added the text to the photo before you added the photo to the template? That's very bad. Assemble all the items in the template. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2010/05/making-pdfs-from-photoshop.html Did the printer give you specific advice about text? Its colour, I mean? It's a tricky matter.
  3. Do not take another step until you've read these: http://www.damiensymonds.net/tut_collage.html
  4. No, I mean the actual photo! You did the screenshot just fine. I'm talking about how you put the photo of the lady into the template.
  5. No, something isn't right here at all. It looks like you copied/pasted the photo, rather than File>Place?
  6. Fabulous! May I see a screenshot? Of the template with an image (or images) placed in it? Include the whole screen - panels and everything.
  7. Hi Linda, is this SOOR? Have you done any Photoshop work to it yet?
  8. Speed. And other reasons I forget. But mainly speed. You see people have issues with cables too.
  9. Sounds like you're trying to resize it, instead of cropping it. You MUST crop to those dimensions. Did they tell you which CMYK profile to use?
  10. Well, if you were thinking of buying one of the excellent Dell Ultrasharp screens, you could go to their AU website. And this mob seem to have a good range.
  11. Let's not go to the extend of re-installing just yet. First, try resetting its preferences. Sometimes that works. And I beg you to watch this.
  12. Thanks, I got the file, and checked it. It's absolutely fine. Please please PLEASE take the class and let me change your life.
  13. Good screens are getting cheaper and cheaper, it's great. You can find IPS screens very affordably now. http://www.damiensymonds.net/art_monitor.html
  14. https://www.hightail.com/u/BellePhotography
  15. To my eye, the reason the style is so effective is because of those areas of very vivid colour (red swimsuits). Do you have any photos with a bolder area of colour like that?
  16. Hi Leslie, did you shoot raw?
  17. Maybe this? http://www.damiensymonds.net/desktop-monitor-brightness
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