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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. Thirdly (actually, maybe I should have asked this first) what is the end purpose of this photo? How will it be used?
  2. First of all, have you learned your lesson? NEVER shoot against green. Secondly, did you see this thread?
  3. You must not do this. Leave the sharpness of your screen at 50.
  4. Relax Nilda Everything is ok. You're just not familiar with looking at photos correctly on your screen, because you've never done it before. You'll get used to it soon.
  5. Yes, after calibration, people often realise their editing doesn't look very good
  6. Download the PSD file As you'll see, it was a series of small Hue/Saturation adjustments to get the wayward areas back in the ballpark, then some low opacity (10-20%) cloning on top to blend it all in.
  7. This is great news! Do you mean the screen looks softer than the prints? No, definitely not. Unplug it and keep it safely in a cupboard until next month.
  8. I'm really sorry, I don't understand the question. I don't know what you mean by "tapered".
  9. I had a play, but I don't think it's as good as yours:
  10. You're very fortunate, because there's no fabric texture visible. That makes this a relatively simply process. How does this look?
  11. Gosh, what you've done looks almost perfect! Except that it's not really wide enough, is it?
  12. Did you find any examples that match your photos better?
  13. Hi Tammy, let's go back to the start. Can you show me the SOOR? That is, the original photo with the raw edits done, but no Photoshop work. And remember, NO CROPPING, ever. Also, I encourage you to do this.
  14. It goes in whichever direction you choose. Change the angle setting to whatever you want.
  15. That's odd. Can you try again now? Make sure you resize for web first, of course.
  16. No, you have to use the other photo which has more left foot showing, to prevent the VERY fat right ankle you've got there.
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