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Select Display

Hopefully the Spyder has detected you have multiple screens.  It should show them in this list:


The very first time you do this, it might not know the names of your screens at this stage.  They'll just be marked "Generic 1" and "Generic 2" as you see in my screenshot.  There is an option to name them, but I never bother, because you'll see in a few steps' time it will magically know their names after all.

So choose the one you intend to calibrate.

  Click to read detailed instructions

It will tell you that it is moving the Spyder window to the screen you've chosen.

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Hi Damien

I've just got a new monitor, a Dell U2722DE. The display looks significantly different to my calibrated laptop (though I am overdue recalibration on that). It's brighter, warmer AND my laptop now looks crazy magenta by comparison (a hat-trick yay). So I'm calibrating the new screen following these instructions. However, at this point, it doesn't recognize that I have two screens on and plugged in. Does that matter, since I'm mainly after calibration this new screen vs my prints? I intend to make sure everything matches afterwards obviously..! 




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  On 11/28/2022 at 11:02 AM, Yvonn.ie said:

Hi Damien

I've just got a new monitor, a Dell U2722DE. The display looks significantly different to my calibrated laptop (though I am overdue recalibration on that). It's brighter, warmer AND my laptop now looks crazy magenta by comparison (a hat-trick yay). So I'm calibrating the new screen following these instructions. However, at this point, it doesn't recognize that I have two screens on and plugged in. Does that matter, since I'm mainly after calibration this new screen vs my prints? I intend to make sure everything matches afterwards obviously..!


Can you check that you've got it set up correctly?  https://www.damiensymonds.net/working-with-dual-screens-windows-10/

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