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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. PLEASE just show me the raw edit. No fancy business. Never do that either. It's even worse!
  2. Come on, you cropped again! NEVER do that.
  3. Are you aware that you don't need to pay full price to join the Raw Class again? Clearly much has slipped your mind, and the class itself has been completely overhauled and updated since you were in it. I urge you to consider it.
  4. No no no!!!!!!! You MUST get it right in raw.
  5. I'm fidgeting in suspense here! How did it go?
  6. It's really hard to make lamps work. They're so ... "directional", you know? Still, it might be your only option. Anyway, I need you to know that your photo is dark. Not, like, crazy dark. But just enough to be of concern. Oh, ok! That lifts my spirits.
  7. Darn. Any way to modify it?
  8. Then the important question is: Is your indoor lighting bright enough and white enough?
  9. Actually, natural light streaming in isn't necessarily a bad thing, as long as there's no glare on your screen, and as long as you're not too close to the window such that it impedes your vision. However, that then creates a problem that you can't edit at night. Your room must be well lit, and must be lit the same at any time of day or night (whenever you edit).
  10. Can you please read this and confirm your setup is good? https://www.damiensymonds.net/2012/01/light-around-your-computer.html
  11. Also, this: https://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/09/cropping-tutorial.html
  12. Ooh ... um, no it's not. I see from your profile (and your edit!!!!) that you don't have a calibrator. This is very bad, and you must get one as soon as you can. In the meantime, have you compared your screen to prints and made what manual adjustments you can for it to match them?
  13. Wonderful! So go ahead and do your raw processing, then post the photo for me again and we'll discuss the pants.
  14. Hi @Siobhan Wolff, thanks for posting. Actually, Channel Mixer plays no role here. It should be a fairly simple Levels adjustment, which I can help you with. Did you shoot this photo in raw mode?
  15. Have you followed my instructions here? Including the troubleshooting part?
  16. @agreen we need to fix your calibration problems. Which Spyder do you have, and what screen?
  17. Sorry I missed this. I'd suggested to Sheree that she try using the "DisplayProfile" app that I mentioned in this article. Also, I reckon it would be a good idea to simply recalibrate, before searching for complicated causes and solutions.
  18. Yep, they'll be in here: https://www.damiensymonds.net/actions.html
  19. If it's only a little bit, maybe just aim for 6800K and see how it looks?
  20. Hi @Lydia, You can't input a previous profile into your new calibration, and you don't need to. Once you do the new calibration it will over-ride the old one anyway. Just follow my instructions here: https://www.damiensymonds.net/calibration.html
  21. Yes, the list is up to date. I hate that you've got a touch screen. But for now, just get the calibrator and see if you can get a good result with it.
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