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Damien Symonds

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Everything posted by Damien Symonds

  1. DON'T DUPLICATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And NEVER CROP IN RAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Ok, that's much better. Based on your fixed SOOR, here's a PSD file: http://mbf.cc/aYy0KU First Liquify to reduce the overall shape of the phone; followed by dodge and burn to improve the shadows. I probably should have been more aggressive with the Liquify, but I hope you get the idea.
  3. And can you change those ratings? If something is a 5, can you make it a 4, or whatever?
  4. I'm so sorry Jodie, I have no idea. Nobody else has mentioned this as a problem. Are all the ratings gone from your older images too, or are they still there ok?
  5. No, they don't need to be raw. They can be any photos, of any subject matter, from any source. I have actually heard of some pros printing at Harvey Norman, so it might be ok.
  6. This is a common problem, actually. Once you've done the raw processing, can you show me a 100% crop of that area?
  7. Oh, no, you NEVER send PSDs to anyone. Only jpegs. https://www.damiensymonds.net/client-photoshop
  8. You're looking for the setting that says "Add to Shape Area". I'm not really familiar with your version, but it might be here?
  9. Please don't take new photos for this. Use old photos, get prints pronto. (If you don't have prints already).
  10. Have you got your prints organised, @Dianna Cameron?
  11. Gosh, that's such a good question. I don't know, honestly. Maybe better to keep the same for a whole set.
  12. That's a great question, @cathm. I tend to use 11 on the 0-12 scale, or 90 on the 0-100 scale. That's only for Facebook (because it is cruel to image quality). For other websites, I only use 9 or 70 respectively.
  13. Sorry I missed this. @Maggie Collins, do you habitually have "Generate 100% Previews" turned off, as I discussed on this slide? Also, may I have a screenshot of your cache settings?
  14. Well, please hurry. Calibration is completely pointless without prints.
  15. I had a play with this one: https://max.mailbigfile.com/626ae76b67f73f055ca6e46fe954cc8f/listFiles.php
  16. Oh yeah, sampling will only get you so far. Then you have to manually modify the colours. Also, have you moved the gradient around? I'm pretty sure I dragged mine to the left a bit.
  17. Looks like the inner colour needs to be a bit lighter?
  18. @Carrie Rowell, please talk to me about your calibration problem. In what way does your screen differ from your prints?
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